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2017-04-22 08:30:21 +02:00
# Nagios Business Process View and Nagios Business Process Analysis
# Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Sparda-Datenverarbeitung eG, Nuernberg, Germany
# Bernd Stroessreuther <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package ndodb;
use Exporter;
use strict;
use DBI;
use IO::Socket;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use JSON::XS;
#use Data::Dumper;
use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
use lib ('@libdir@');
use settings;
#use bsutils;
our $settings = getSettings();
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(getStates getLastUpdateServiceStatus getDbParam);
my ($dbh, %dbparam, $sql, $sth, @fields, %hardstates, %statusinfos, $hostdirname, $servicedirname, $parentdirname, $servicelist, $in, $line, $servicename, $hostname, $lasthardstate, $currentstate, $output, $lastservicecheck, @lastservicecheck_local, $rc, $jsonref, $subhash);
my $dbConfigFile = $settings->{'NAGIOSBP_ETC'} . "/ndo.cfg";
my @services_state=("OK", "WARNING", "CRITICAL", "UNKNOWN");
my @host_state=("OK", "CRITICAL", "UNKNOWN");
sub getStates()
my %dbparam = &getDbParam();
my $socket;
#print STDERR "DEBUG: num of hardstates " . scalar %hardstates . "\n";
#print STDERR "DEBUG: num of statusinfos " . scalar %statusinfos . "\n";
if ($dbparam{'cache_time'} > 0)
#print STDERR "DEBUG: num of hardstates " . scalar %hardstates . "\n";
#print STDERR "DEBUG: num of statusinfos " . scalar %statusinfos . "\n";
if (scalar %hardstates ne "0")
#print STDERR "DEBUG: using from cache\n";
return(\%hardstates, \%statusinfos);
#print STDERR "DEBUG: fetching info from storage backend\n";
#print "DEBUG1: ndo=\"$dbparam{'ndo'}\"\n";
if ($dbparam{'ndo'} eq "db")
#print "DEBUG2: ndo=db\n";
my $db_prefix = $dbparam{'ndodb_prefix'};
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$dbparam{'ndodb_database'}:$dbparam{'ndodb_host'}:$dbparam{'ndodb_port'}", $dbparam{'ndodb_username'}, $dbparam{'ndodb_password'});
die "Error: $DBI::errstr\n" unless $dbh;
#$sql = "select host_name,service_description,last_hard_state,plugin_output from servicestatus";
#$sql = "select ${db_prefix}objects.name1,${db_prefix}objects.name2,${db_prefix}servicestatus.current_state,${db_prefix}servicestatus.output from ${db_prefix}objects,${db_prefix}servicestatus where ${db_prefix}objects.objecttype_id=2 and ${db_prefix}objects.is_active=1 and ${db_prefix}objects.object_id=${db_prefix}servicestatus.service_object_id";
$sql = "select ${db_prefix}objects.name1,${db_prefix}objects.name2,${db_prefix}servicestatus.last_hard_state,${db_prefix}servicestatus.output from ${db_prefix}objects,${db_prefix}servicestatus where ${db_prefix}objects.objecttype_id=2 and ${db_prefix}objects.is_active=1 and ${db_prefix}objects.object_id=${db_prefix}servicestatus.service_object_id";
#print STDERR "$sql\n";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
die "Error: $DBI::errstr\n" if $DBI::err;
die "Error: $DBI::errstr\n" if $DBI::err;
while (@fields = $sth->fetchrow_array())
#print join("\t", @fields), "\n";
$hardstates{"$fields[0];$fields[1]"} = $services_state[$fields[2]] || "UNKNOWN";
$statusinfos{"$fields[0];$fields[1]"} = $fields[3];
#$sql = "select host_name,host_status,plugin_output from hoststatus";
$sql = "select ${db_prefix}objects.name1,${db_prefix}hoststatus.current_state,${db_prefix}hoststatus.output from ${db_prefix}objects,${db_prefix}hoststatus where ${db_prefix}objects.objecttype_id=1 and ${db_prefix}objects.is_active=1 and ${db_prefix}objects.object_id=${db_prefix}hoststatus.host_object_id";
#$sql = "select ${db_prefix}objects.name1,${db_prefix}hoststatus.last_hard_state,${db_prefix}hoststatus.output from ${db_prefix}objects,${db_prefix}hoststatus where ${db_prefix}objects.objecttype_id=1 and ${db_prefix}objects.is_active=1 and ${db_prefix}objects.object_id=${db_prefix}hoststatus.host_object_id";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
die "Error: $DBI::errstr\n" if $DBI::err;
die "Error: $DBI::errstr\n" if $DBI::err;
while (@fields = $sth->fetchrow_array())
#print join("\t", @fields), "\n";
$hardstates{"$fields[0];Hoststatus"} = $host_state[$fields[1]] || "UNKNOWN";
$statusinfos{"$fields[0];Hoststatus"} = $fields[2];
elsif ($dbparam{'ndo'} eq "fs")
#print "DEBUG2: ndo=fs\n";
#print "DEBUG: basedir: $dbparam{'ndofs_basedir'}\n";
#print "DEBUG: instance: $dbparam{'ndofs_instance_name'}\n\n";
$servicelist = $dbparam{'ndofs_basedir'} . "/VOLATILE/" . $dbparam{'ndofs_instance_name'} . "/VIEWS/SERVICELIST";
open (LIST, "<$servicelist") or die "unable to read from file $servicelist\n";
flock(LIST, LOCK_SH);
while ($line = <LIST>)
# print "DEBUG: servicelist: $in\n";
# DEBUG: servicelist: "internetconnection":[
# DEBUG: servicelist: "Provider 1",
# DEBUG: servicelist: "Provider 2"
# DEBUG: servicelist: ],
if ($line =~ m/"(.+)":\[/)
$hostname = cleanup_for_ndo2fs($1);
#print "DEBUG: hostname: $hostname\n";
if ($line =~ m/"(.+)",?\s*$/)
$servicename = cleanup_for_ndo2fs($1);
#print "DEBUG: servicename: $hostname:$servicename\n";
getStatusFromFS($hostname, $servicename);
elsif ($dbparam{'ndo'} eq "merlin")
#print "DEBUG2: ndo=db\n";
my $db_prefix = $dbparam{'ndodb_prefix'};
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$dbparam{'ndodb_database'}:$dbparam{'ndodb_host'}:$dbparam{'ndodb_port'}", $dbparam{'ndodb_username'}, $dbparam{'ndodb_password'});
die "Error: $DBI::errstr\n" unless $dbh;
#$sql = "select host_name,service_description,last_hard_state,plugin_output from servicestatus";
#$sql = "select ${db_prefix}objects.name1,${db_prefix}objects.name2,${db_prefix}servicestatus.last_hard_state,${db_prefix}servicestatus.output from ${db_prefix}objects,${db_prefix}servicestatus where ${db_prefix}objects.objecttype_id=2 and ${db_prefix}objects.is_active=1 and ${db_prefix}objects.object_id=${db_prefix}servicestatus.service_object_id";
$sql = "select host_name,service_description,last_hard_state,output from service";
#print STDERR "$sql\n";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
die "Error: $DBI::errstr\n" if $DBI::err;
die "Error: $DBI::errstr\n" if $DBI::err;
while (@fields = $sth->fetchrow_array())
#print join("\t", @fields), "\n";
$hardstates{"$fields[0];$fields[1]"} = $services_state[$fields[2]] || "UNKNOWN";
$statusinfos{"$fields[0];$fields[1]"} = $fields[3];
#$sql = "select host_name,host_status,plugin_output from hoststatus";
#$sql = "select ${db_prefix}objects.name1,${db_prefix}hoststatus.current_state,${db_prefix}hoststatus.output from ${db_prefix}objects,${db_prefix}hoststatus where ${db_prefix}objects.objecttype_id=1 and ${db_prefix}objects.is_active=1 and ${db_prefix}objects.object_id=${db_prefix}hoststatus.host_object_id";
#$sql = "select host_name,last_hard_state,output from host";
$sql = "select host_name,current_state,output from host";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
die "Error: $DBI::errstr\n" if $DBI::err;
die "Error: $DBI::errstr\n" if $DBI::err;
while (@fields = $sth->fetchrow_array())
#print join("\t", @fields), "\n";
$hardstates{"$fields[0];Hoststatus"} = $host_state[$fields[1]] || "UNKNOWN";
$statusinfos{"$fields[0];Hoststatus"} = $fields[2];
elsif ($dbparam{'ndo'} eq "mk_livestatus")
$socket = IO::Socket::UNIX->new ("Peer" => $dbparam{'ndo_livestatus_socket'}, "Type" => SOCK_STREAM, "Timeout" => 15) or die "unable to connect to unix socket \"" . $dbparam{'ndo_livestatus_socket'} . "\": $!\n";
print $socket "GET services\n";
print $socket "Columns: host_name description last_hard_state plugin_output\n\n";
while ($in = <$socket>)
#print STDERR "DEBUG: $in\n";
@fields = split(/;/, $in);
$hardstates{"$fields[0];$fields[1]"} = $services_state[$fields[2]] || "UNKNOWN";
$statusinfos{"$fields[0];$fields[1]"} = $fields[3];
$socket = IO::Socket::UNIX->new ("Peer" => $dbparam{'ndo_livestatus_socket'}, "Type" => SOCK_STREAM, "Timeout" => 15) or die "unable to connect to unix socket \"" . $dbparam{'ndo_livestatus_socket'} . "\": $!\n";
print $socket "GET hosts\n";
print $socket "Columns: name state plugin_output\n\n";
while ($in = <$socket>)
#print STDERR "DEBUG: $in\n";
@fields = split(/;/, $in);
$hardstates{"$fields[0];Hoststatus"} = $host_state[$fields[1]] || "UNKNOWN";
$statusinfos{"$fields[0];Hoststatus"} = $fields[2];
elsif ($dbparam{'ndo'} eq "icinga-web")
#print "DEBUG2: ndo=icinga-web\n";
my $maxConnectionTime = 10;
#print STDERR "URL prefix: " . $dbparam{'ndo_icinga_web_url_prefix'} . "\n";
if(substr($dbparam{'ndo_icinga_web_url_prefix'}, -1) eq "/")
$dbparam{'ndo_icinga_web_url_prefix'} = substr($dbparam{'ndo_icinga_web_url_prefix'}, 0, length($dbparam{'ndo_icinga_web_url_prefix'}) -1);
#print STDERR "URL prefix: " . $dbparam{'ndo_icinga_web_url_prefix'} . "\n";
my $services_url = $dbparam{'ndo_icinga_web_url_prefix'} . "/web/api/service/columns%5BSERVICE_NAME%7CHOST_NAME%7CSERVICE_LAST_HARD_STATE%7CSERVICE_OUTPUT%5D/authkey=" . $dbparam{'ndo_icinga_web_auth_key'} . "/json";
my $hosts_url = $dbparam{'ndo_icinga_web_url_prefix'} . "/web/api/host/columns%5BHOST_NAME%7CHOST_CURRENT_STATE%7CHOST_OUTPUT%5D/authkey=" . $dbparam{'ndo_icinga_web_auth_key'} . "/json";
my ($ua, $request, $result, $content);
#print STDERR "URL: $services_url\n";
$ua = new LWP::UserAgent ( 'timeout' => $maxConnectionTime );
$request = new HTTP::Request ('GET' => "$services_url");
$result = $ua->request($request);
#print STDERR "Response Services: " . $result->code() . " " . $result->message() . "\n";
if ($result->code() >= 400)
die "Error when requesting service information from icinga API, response code: " . $result->code() . ", message: " . $result->message() . "\n";
$content = $result->decoded_content();
$content =~ s/\r\n/\n/g;
#print STDERR "Content: $content\n";
$jsonref = decode_json($content);
#print "DEBUG: $jsonref\n";
#print "DEBUG: " . Dumper($jsonref) . "\n";
#print "DEBUG ref: " . ref($jsonref) . "\n";
if (ref($jsonref) eq "HASH" && defined $jsonref->{'error'})
die "Error when requesting service information from icinga API, message: $jsonref->{'error'}->[0]->{'message'}\nerrors: $jsonref->{'error'}->[0]->{'errors'}->[0]\n";
foreach $subhash (@$jsonref)
#print "\nDEBUG subhash: $subhash\n";
#print "DEBUG service: $subhash->{'HOST_NAME'};$subhash->{'SERVICE_NAME'} = $services_state[$subhash->{'SERVICE_LAST_HARD_STATE'}]\n";
$hardstates{"$subhash->{'HOST_NAME'};$subhash->{'SERVICE_NAME'}"} = $services_state[$subhash->{'SERVICE_LAST_HARD_STATE'}] || "UNKNOWN";
$statusinfos{"$subhash->{'HOST_NAME'};$subhash->{'SERVICE_NAME'}"} = $subhash->{'SERVICE_OUTPUT'}
#print STDERR "URL: $hosts_url\n";
$request = new HTTP::Request ('GET' => "$hosts_url");
$result = $ua->request($request);
#print STDERR "Response Hosts: " . $result->code() . " " . $result->message() . "\n";
if ($result->code() >= 400)
die "Error when requesting host information from icinga API, response code: " . $result->code() . ", message: " . $result->message() . "\n";
$content = $result->decoded_content();
$content =~ s/\r\n/\n/g;
#print STDERR "Content: $content\n";
$jsonref = decode_json($content);
#print "DEBUG: $jsonref\n";
#print "DEBUG: " . Dumper($jsonref) . "\n";
if (ref($jsonref) eq "HASH" && defined $jsonref->{'error'})
die "Error when requesting host information from icinga API, message: $jsonref->{'error'}->[0]->{'message'}\nerrors: $jsonref->{'error'}->[0]->{'errors'}->[0]\n";
foreach $subhash (@$jsonref)
#print "DEBUG subhash: $subhash\n";
#print "DEBUG host: $subhash->{'HOST_NAME'};Hoststatus = $services_state[$subhash->{'HOST_CURRENT_STATE'}]\n";
$hardstates{"$subhash->{'HOST_NAME'};Hoststatus"} = $host_state[$subhash->{'HOST_CURRENT_STATE'}] || "UNKNOWN";
$statusinfos{"$subhash->{'HOST_NAME'};Hoststatus"} = $subhash->{'HOST_OUTPUT'}
if ($dbparam{'cache_time'} > 0)
updateCache(\%hardstates, \%statusinfos);
return(\%hardstates, \%statusinfos);
sub getLastUpdateServiceStatus()
my %dbparam = &getDbParam();
my ($db_prefix, $return, $socket);
if ($dbparam{'ndo'} eq "db")
$db_prefix = $dbparam{'ndodb_prefix'};
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$dbparam{'ndodb_database'}:$dbparam{'ndodb_host'}:$dbparam{'ndodb_port'}", $dbparam{'ndodb_username'}, $dbparam{'ndodb_password'});
die "Error: $DBI::errstr\n" unless $dbh;
$sql = "select max(last_check) from ${db_prefix}servicestatus";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
die "Error: $DBI::errstr\n" if $DBI::err;
die "Error: $DBI::errstr\n" if $DBI::err;
while (@fields = $sth->fetchrow_array())
#print join("\t", @fields), "\n";
$return = $fields[0];
elsif ($dbparam{'ndo'} eq "fs")
$servicelist = $dbparam{'ndofs_basedir'} . "/VOLATILE/" . $dbparam{'ndofs_instance_name'} . "/VIEWS/SERVICELIST";
open (LIST, "<$servicelist") or die "unable to read from file $servicelist\n";
flock(LIST, LOCK_SH);
while ($line = <LIST>)
# print "DEBUG: servicelist: $in\n";
# DEBUG: servicelist: "internetconnection":[
# DEBUG: servicelist: "Provider 1",
# DEBUG: servicelist: "Provider 2"
# DEBUG: servicelist: ],
if ($line =~ m/"(.+)":\[/)
$hostname = cleanup_for_ndo2fs($1);
#print "DEBUG: hostname: $hostname\n";
if ($line =~ m/"(.+)",?\s*$/)
$servicename = cleanup_for_ndo2fs($1);
#print "DEBUG: servicename: $hostname:$servicename\n";
if (-e "$parentdirname/$hostname/$servicename/STATUS")
open (IN, "<$parentdirname/$hostname/$servicename/STATUS") or die "unable to read file $parentdirname/$hostname/$servicename/STATUS: $!\n";
flock(IN, LOCK_SH);
while ($in = <IN>)
if ($in =~ m/"LASTSERVICECHECK":\s*"(.*)"/)
#print "$1\n";
if ($1 > $lastservicecheck)
$lastservicecheck = $1;
#print "$lastservicecheck\n";
@lastservicecheck_local = localtime($lastservicecheck);
$lastservicecheck_local[4] = sprintf("%02d", ++$lastservicecheck_local[4]);
$lastservicecheck_local[3] = sprintf("%02d", $lastservicecheck_local[3]);
$lastservicecheck_local[2] = sprintf("%02d", $lastservicecheck_local[2]);
$lastservicecheck_local[1] = sprintf("%02d", $lastservicecheck_local[1]);
$lastservicecheck_local[0] = sprintf("%02d", $lastservicecheck_local[0]);
$return = "$lastservicecheck_local[5]-$lastservicecheck_local[4]-$lastservicecheck_local[3] $lastservicecheck_local[2]:$lastservicecheck_local[1]:$lastservicecheck_local[0]";
elsif ($dbparam{'ndo'} eq "merlin")
$db_prefix = $dbparam{'ndodb_prefix'};
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$dbparam{'ndodb_database'}:$dbparam{'ndodb_host'}:$dbparam{'ndodb_port'}", $dbparam{'ndodb_username'}, $dbparam{'ndodb_password'});
die "Error: $DBI::errstr\n" unless $dbh;
#$sql = "select max(last_check) from ${db_prefix}service";
$sql = "select max(last_check) from service";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
die "Error: $DBI::errstr\n" if $DBI::err;
die "Error: $DBI::errstr\n" if $DBI::err;
while (@fields = $sth->fetchrow_array())
#print join("\t", @fields), "\n";
$return = $fields[0];
elsif ($dbparam{'ndo'} eq "mk_livestatus")
$socket = IO::Socket::UNIX->new ("Peer" => $dbparam{'ndo_livestatus_socket'}, "Type" => SOCK_STREAM, "Timeout" => 15) or die "unable to connect to unix socket \"" . $dbparam{'ndo_livestatus_socket'} . "\": $!\n";
print $socket "GET services\n";
print $socket "Stats: max last_check\n\n";
$return = <$socket> || 0;
#print STDERR "DEBUG: $return\n";
elsif ($dbparam{'ndo'} eq "icinga-web")
$return = 0;
my $maxConnectionTime = 10;
my ($ua, $request, $result, $content);
if(substr($dbparam{'ndo_icinga_web_url_prefix'}, -1) eq "/")
$dbparam{'ndo_icinga_web_url_prefix'} = substr($dbparam{'ndo_icinga_web_url_prefix'}, 0, length($dbparam{'ndo_icinga_web_url_prefix'}) -1);
my $services_url = $dbparam{'ndo_icinga_web_url_prefix'} . "/web/api/service/columns%5BSERVICE_LAST_CHECK%5D/authkey=" . $dbparam{'ndo_icinga_web_auth_key'} . "/json";
#print STDERR "URL: $services_url\n";
$ua = new LWP::UserAgent ( 'timeout' => $maxConnectionTime );
$request = new HTTP::Request ('GET' => "$services_url");
$result = $ua->request($request);
if ($result->code() >= 400)
die "Error when requesting service information from icinga API, response code: " . $result->code() . ", message: " . $result->message() . "\n";
#print STDERR "Response Services: " . $result->code() . " " . $result->message() . "\n";
$content = $result->decoded_content();
$content =~ s/\r\n/\n/g;
#print STDERR "Content: $content\n";
$jsonref = decode_json($content);
#print "DEBUG: $jsonref\n";
#print "DEBUG: " . Dumper($jsonref) . "\n";
foreach $subhash (@$jsonref)
#print "DEBUG update: $subhash->{'SERVICE_LAST_CHECK'}\n";
if ($subhash->{'SERVICE_LAST_CHECK'} gt $return)
$return = $subhash->{'SERVICE_LAST_CHECK'};
sub getDbParam()
my (%dbparam, $in, $param, $value);
open(IN, "<$dbConfigFile") or die "unable to read $dbConfigFile\n";
while ($in = <IN>)
if ($in =~ m/^\s*(ndodb_\w+|ndofs_\w+|ndo_livestatus_\w+|ndo_icinga_web_\w+|ndo|cache_\w+)\s*=/)
($param, $value) = split(/=/, $in);
$value =~ s/^\s+//;
$value =~ s/\s+$//;
$param =~ s/^\s+//;
$param =~ s/\s+$//;
$dbparam{$param} = $value;
# set defaults, if we did not get values form config
$dbparam{'ndo'}="db" if ($dbparam{'ndo'} eq "");
$dbparam{'ndofs_basedir'}="/tmp/ndo2fs" if ($dbparam{'ndofs_basedir'} eq "");
$dbparam{'ndofs_instance_name'}="default" if ($dbparam{'ndofs_instance_name'} eq "");
$dbparam{'ndodb_host'}="localhost" if ($dbparam{'ndodb_host'} eq "");
$dbparam{'ndodb_port'}="3306" if ($dbparam{'ndodb_port'} eq "");
$dbparam{'ndodb_database'}="nagios" if ($dbparam{'ndodb_database'} eq "");
$dbparam{'cache_time'}=0 if ($dbparam{'cache_time'} !~ m/^\d+$/);
$dbparam{'cache_file'}="/tmp/ndo_backend_cache" if ($dbparam{'cache_file'} eq "");
return (%dbparam);
sub getStatusFromFS()
# gets one parameter (hostname) to determine the host status
# gets two parameters (hostname and servicename) to determine the service status
my $host = shift;
my $service = shift || "Hoststatus";
if ($service eq "Hoststatus")
if (-e "$parentdirname/$host/STATUS")
open (IN, "<$parentdirname/$host/STATUS") or die "unable to read file $parentdirname/$host/STATUS: $!\n";
flock(IN, LOCK_SH);
while($in = <IN>)
#print "DEBUG: $in";
if ($in =~ m/"CURRENTSTATE":\s*"(.*)"/)
#print "DEBUG: LASTHARDSTATE: $1\n";
$currentstate = $1;
if ($in =~ m/"OUTPUT":\s*"(.*)"/)
#print "DEBUG: OUTPUT: $1\n";
$output = $1;
if ($in =~ m/"HOST":\s*"(.*)"/)
#print "DEBUG: HOST: $1\n";
$hostname = $1;
$hardstates{"$hostname;Hoststatus"} = $host_state[$currentstate] || "UNKNOWN";
$statusinfos{"$hostname;Hoststatus"} = $output;
$hardstates{"$hostname;Hoststatus"} = "PENDING";
$statusinfos{"$hostname;Hoststatus"} = "";
#print "DEBUG: $host;Hoststatus: $host_state[$currentstate]\n";
if (-e "$parentdirname/$host/$service/STATUS")
open (IN, "<$parentdirname/$host/$service/STATUS") or die "unable to read file $parentdirname/$host/$service/STATUS: $!\n";
flock(IN, LOCK_SH);
while($in = <IN>)
#print "DEBUG: $in";
# "OUTPUT": "OK: DNS",
# "SERVICE": "System Check",
if ($in =~ m/"LASTHARDSTATE":\s*"(.*)"/)
#print "DEBUG: LASTHARDSTATE: $1\n";
$lasthardstate = $1;
if ($in =~ m/"OUTPUT":\s*"(.*)"/)
#print "DEBUG: OUTPUT: $1\n";
$output = $1;
if ($in =~ m/"SERVICE":\s*"(.*)"/)
#print "DEBUG: SERVICE: $1\n";
$servicename = $1;
$hardstates{"$host;$servicename"} = $services_state[$lasthardstate] || "UNKNOWN";
$statusinfos{"$host;$servicename"} = $output;
$hardstates{"$host;$servicename"} = "PENDING";
$statusinfos{"$host;$servicename"} = "";
#print "DEBUG: $host;$servicename: $host_state[$currentstate]\n";
sub cleanup_for_ndo2fs {
my $host_or_service_name = shift;
$host_or_service_name =~ s/[ :\/\\]/_/g;
sub checkCache()
my %dbparam = &getDbParam();
my $actDate=time();
my ($fileAge, @stat, $in, @tokens, $host, $service, $hardstate);
if ( -f $dbparam{'cache_file'} )
# ok, we have a cache file already
# print STDERR "cache_file exists\n";
# print STDERR "actDate: $actDate\n";
# print STDERR "FileModificationDate: $stat[9]\n";
# print STDERR "FileAge: $fileAge\n";
if ($fileAge <= $dbparam{'cache_time'})
# print STDERR "cache_file new enough, delivering from cache\n";
open(IN, "<$dbparam{'cache_file'}") or die "unable to read cachefile $dbparam{'cache_file'}\n";
flock(IN, LOCK_SH);
while ($in = <IN>)
@tokens=split(/;/, $in);
$hardstates{"$host;$service"} = $hardstate;
$statusinfos{"$host;$service"} = join(/;/, @tokens);
return(\%hardstates, \%statusinfos);
# print STDERR "cache_file too old\n";
# print STDERR "cache_file does not exist\n";
# call with parameters \%hardstates, \%statusinfos
sub updateCache()
my %dbparam = &getDbParam();
my $key;
my $actDate=time();
my @stat=stat($dbparam{'cache_file'});
my $fileAge=$actDate-$stat[9];
# print STDERR "actDate: $actDate\n";
# print STDERR "FileModificationDate: $stat[9]\n";
# print STDERR "FileAge: $fileAge\n";
if ($fileAge > $dbparam{'cache_time'})
# print STDERR "DEBUG: writing cache_file\n";
#print "DEBUG: hardstates\n";
#print "DEBUG: statusinfos\n";
umask ("0000");
open (OUT, ">$dbparam{'cache_file'}") or die "unable to write to $dbparam{'cache_file'}\n";
flock(OUT, LOCK_EX);
foreach $key (keys %hardstates)
print OUT "$key;$hardstates{$key};$statusinfos{$key}\n";
close (OUT);
# print STDERR "DEBUG: someone else did write meanwile\n";