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2017-04-22 08:30:21 +02:00
# Nagios Business Process View and Nagios Business Process Analysis
# Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Sparda-Datenverarbeitung eG, Nuernberg, Germany
# Bernd Stroessreuther <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#Load modules
use strict;
use lib ('@libdir@');
use settings;
#default template which should be used for top level business processes
#it has to be defined somewhere in nagios, e. g. services.cfg
my $template_toplevel = "generic-bp-service";
#default template which should be used for minor business processes
#it has to be defined somewhere in nagios, e. g. services.cfg
#may be the same als template_toplevel, if you do not want to have different
#parameters for them
my $template_minor = "generic-bp-detail-service";
my ($in, $name, $description, $status, $nagios_bp_conf, $service_cfg, $help, $i, %individual_templates, $create_sub_bp, $output_file, $generate_notes);
my $settings = getSettings();
for ($i=0; $i<@ARGV; $i++)
if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-f") { $nagios_bp_conf = $ARGV[++$i] }
if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-tt") { $template_toplevel = $ARGV[++$i] }
if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-tm") { $template_minor = $ARGV[++$i] }
if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-s") { $create_sub_bp = $ARGV[++$i] }
if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-o") { $output_file = $ARGV[++$i] }
if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-n") { $generate_notes = $ARGV[++$i] }
if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-h" || $ARGV[$i] eq "--help") { $help = 1 }
if ($create_sub_bp ne "0") { $create_sub_bp = 1 }
if ($generate_notes ne "1") { $generate_notes = 0 }
#determin path/filename of resulting cfg file
if ($output_file eq "")
if ($nagios_bp_conf eq "")
# Default values if no config file is given
$nagios_bp_conf = "$settings->{'NAGIOSBP_ETC'}/nagios-bp.conf";
$service_cfg = "$settings->{'NAGIOS_ETC'}/services-bp.cfg";
elsif ($nagios_bp_conf =~ m/.+\.conf$/)
#print "DEBUG: non standard config\n";
$service_cfg = $nagios_bp_conf;
$service_cfg =~ s#^.*/##;
$service_cfg =~ s/\.conf$//;
$service_cfg =~ s/^nagios-bp-?//;
$service_cfg = "$settings->{'NAGIOS_ETC'}/services-bp-$service_cfg.cfg";
#print "DEBUG: nagios_bp_conf $nagios_bp_conf\n";
#print "DEBUG: service_cfg $service_cfg\n";
$service_cfg = $output_file;
if ($nagios_bp_conf eq "")
# Default values if no config file is given
$nagios_bp_conf = "$settings->{'NAGIOSBP_ETC'}/nagios-bp.conf";
if ($service_cfg eq "" || $help == 1)
print "\ncall using:\n";
print "$0\n";
print "for use with default parameters\n";
print "(generate $settings->{'NAGIOS_ETC'}/services-bp.cfg from $settings->{'NAGIOSBP_ETC'}/nagios-bp.conf\n";
print "using default templates and default dummy hostnames)\n\n";
print "or\n";
print "$0 [-f \<config_file\>] [-tt \<template_toplevel\>] [-tm \<template_minor\>] [-o \<output_file\>] [-s 0|1] [-n 0|1]\n";
print "where\n";
print "\<config_file\> is the file where You defined Your business processes\n";
print " it must be named *.conf\n";
print "\<template_toplevel\> is the service template You want to use for all business processes\n";
print " displayed in the toplevel view\n";
print " default: generic-bp-service\n";
print "\<template_minor\> is the service template You want to use for all other business processes\n";
print " You may use the same value as for \<template_toplevel\>\n";
print " default: generic-bp-detail-service\n";
print "\<output_file\> tells under which path and filename the resulting cfg file should be\n";
print " generated\n";
print " defaults to $settings->{'NAGIOS_ETC'}/services-bp.cfg if You use the default\n";
print " config file (that means if You did not give -f parameter)\n";
print " or to $settings->{'NAGIOS_ETC'}/services-bp-\<name_of_config_file\>.cfg\n";
print " otherwise\n";
print "-s 0 means: create services only for business processes displayed in\n";
print " the top level view\n";
print "-s 1 means: create services also for business processes with display 0\n";
print " default is 1\n";
print "-n 1 means: for each service we generate, this script should add an additional notes\n";
print " line containing the description You did define in nagios-bp.conf\n";
print "-n 0 means: do not add a notes line, this is the default\n";
print " (same behavior as in versions up to 0.9.5)\n";
print "\nFor further information see README, section \"Business Process representation as Nagios services\"\n\n";
#some infos on stdout
print "\ngenerating $service_cfg from $nagios_bp_conf\n";
if ($create_sub_bp == 1)
print "using templates $template_toplevel / $template_minor\n";
print "services for sub-level Business Processes are also created\n\n";
print "using template $template_toplevel\n";
print "service only for Business Processes of top level view are created\n\n";
#parse nagios-bp.conf (our own config file)
# look for bp's who have an own template defined
open (IN, "<$nagios_bp_conf") or die "unable to read $nagios_bp_conf";
while ($in = <IN>)
if ($in =~ m/^\s*template\s+/)
#print "DEBUG: $in";
$in =~ s/^\s*template\s+//;
($name, $description) = split(/;/, $in);
#print "DEBUG name: $name desc:$description\n";
$individual_templates{$name} = $description;
# make services for every bp named in a display statement
open (IN, "<$nagios_bp_conf") or die "unable to read $nagios_bp_conf";
open (OUT, ">$service_cfg") or die "unable to write to $service_cfg";
print OUT '##################################################################################' . "\n";
print OUT '#' . "\n";
print OUT '# !!! DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE !!!' . "\n";
print OUT '#' . "\n";
print OUT '# It is script generated!' . "\n";
print OUT '# Change the file ' . "$nagios_bp_conf\n";
print OUT '# and run the command ' . "$0 afterwards\n";
print OUT '#' . "\n";
print OUT '# If not doing so, Your changes will be lost on the next update' . "\n";
print OUT '#' . "\n";
print OUT '##################################################################################' . "\n\n\n";
while ($in = <IN>)
# filter comments (starting with #) and blank lines
if ($in !~ m/^#/ && $in !~ m/^ *$/)
#print "$in";
# for all display definitions (lines starting with "display")
if ($in =~ m/^\s*display\s+/)
$in =~ s/^\s*display\s+//;
($status, $name, $description) = split(/;/, $in);
#do not display business processes with status 0 if configured so (see section configuration)
if ($status > 0 || $create_sub_bp == 1)
#print "$status : $name : $description\n";
print OUT "define service{\n";
if (defined $individual_templates{$name})
print OUT " use $individual_templates{$name}\n";
elsif ($status > 0)
print OUT " use $template_toplevel\n";
print OUT " use $template_minor\n";
print OUT " service_description $name\n";
if ($generate_notes == 1)
print OUT " notes $description\n";
print OUT " check_command check_bp_status!$name!$nagios_bp_conf\n";
print OUT " }\n\n";