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2017-04-22 08:30:21 +02:00
# language_file en for Nagios Business Process Add on
# hint for translating in other languages:
# where ever you find __var1__ __var2__ ... leave it unchanged while
# translating; these are variables which are replaced at runtime
priority_1_headline=Priority 1
priority_1_description=Alerting round the clock (24 x 7)
priority_2_headline=Priority 2
priority_2_description=Alerting Monday to Sunday 7:00 to 22:00
priority_3_headline=Priority 3
priority_3_description=Alerting Monday to Thursday 7:00 to 17:00, Friday 7:00 to 15:00
priority_4_headline=Priority 4
priority_4_description=Testsystems -- no Alerting
manually_set_to_ok=manually set to ok
manually_set_to=manually set to __var1__
bi_head=Business Impact Analysis
bi_explanation=With Business Impact Analysis you can ask, "What would be if...?"<br>You have the possibility to set the status of each single component to any state you want.<br>Afterwards you can see what impact this would have to your Applications (Business Processes)
bi_start_session=Start a new session
bi_select_starting_point=Set starting point:
bi_actual_state=Actual status of all components
bi_all_set_to_ok=All components set to OK state
bi_hint_session_timeout=Hint:<br>Your session times out after 30 minutes
bi_set_status=set status
bi_set_host_status_to=Set the status for all services on <b>__var1__</b> to:
bi_set_service_status_to=Set the status for service <b>__var1__</b> on <b>__var2__</b> to:
short_summary_head=Short Summary
all_bp=All Business Processes
show_trafficlight=Show Traffic Lights
hide_trafficlight=Hide Traffic Lights
status_information=Status Information
hint_and=The application is available to the customer, if none of the components is in CRITICAL status.
hint_or=Redundant components. The Application is available to the customer if at least one component is in status OK or WARNING.
hint_of=The application is available to the customer, if at least __var1__ components are in stats OK oder WARNING.
back_to_top=Back to the top
bp_head=Buiness Process View
business_process=Business Process
tree_view=Tree view
error_nagios_not_running=<h1>Error</h1><h2>Nagios is not running on this machine at the moment!</h2>
error_wrong_parameter_conf_head=Parameter "conf" invalid.
error_wrong_parameter_conf_body=The Parameter "conf" is probably invalid.<br>__var1__ is not a regular file or file is not readable.<br>
error_not_existing_session_head=Invalid Session
error_not_existing_session_body=This session does not exist. It was probably idle for too long and timed out.
# new in 0.9.4
all_prios=All Priorities
where_used_head=Where used?
where_used_body=Where is this component being used?
not_used_anywhere=__var1__ is not used in any Business Process
service_on_host=Service "__var1__" on "__var2__"
used_in_these_bps=__var1__ is being used in these Business Processes
error_wrong_parameter_host_head=Parameter host is missing
error_wrong_parameter_host_body=The parameter "host" is missing and also could not be extracted from the referer.<br>Please add the parameter "host" and maybe additional the parameter "service" to the URL.
# new in 0.9.6
last_updated=This page was last updated
error_bp_not_existing=Business Process not defined
error_bp_not_existing_body=A Business Process "__var1__" is not defined.