dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId); if ($chkModus == 'insert') { $chkDataId = $intInsertId; } if ($intReturn == 1) { $myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage); } else { $myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strInfoMessage); $myDataClass->updateStatusTable($preTableName); if ($chkModus == 'insert') { $myDataClass->writeLog(translate('New time period inserted:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1); } if ($chkModus == 'modify') { $myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Time period modified:'). ' ' .$chkTfValue1); } // // Insert/update relations // ======================= if ($chkModus == 'insert') { if ($intMselValue1 != 0) { $intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation( 'tbl_lnkTimeperiodToTimeperiod', $chkDataId, $chkMselValue1 ); } if (isset($intRet1) && ($intRet1 != 0)) { $myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage); } if ($intMselValue2 != 0) { $intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataInsertRelation( 'tbl_lnkTimeperiodToTimeperiodUse', $chkDataId, $chkMselValue2 ); } if (isset($intRet2) && ($intRet2 != 0)) { $myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage); } } elseif ($chkModus == 'modify') { if ($intMselValue1 != 0) { $intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation( 'tbl_lnkTimeperiodToTimeperiod', $chkDataId, $chkMselValue1 ); } else { $intRet1 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkTimeperiodToTimeperiod', $chkDataId); } if ($intRet1 != 0) { $myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage); } if ($intMselValue2 != 0) { $intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataUpdateRelation( 'tbl_lnkTimeperiodToTimeperiodUse', $chkDataId, $chkMselValue2 ); } else { $intRet2 = $myDataClass->dataDeleteRelation('tbl_lnkTimeperiodToTimeperiodUse', $chkDataId); } if ($intRet2 != 0) { $myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage); } } if (($intRet1 + $intRet2) != 0) { $strInfoMessage = ''; } // // Insert/update time defintions // ============================= if ($chkModus == 'modify') { $strSQL = "DELETE FROM `tbl_timedefinition` WHERE `tipId`=$chkDataId"; $booReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId); if ($booReturn == false) { $myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage); } } if (isset($_SESSION['timedefinition']) && is_array($_SESSION['timedefinition']) && (count($_SESSION['timedefinition']) != 0)) { foreach ($_SESSION['timedefinition'] as $elem) { if ($elem['status'] == 0) { if ($elem['definition'] != 'use') { $elem['range'] = str_replace(' ', '', $elem['range']); } $strSQL = 'INSERT INTO `tbl_timedefinition` (`tipId`,`definition`,`range`, ' . "`last_modified`) VALUES ($chkDataId,'".$elem['definition']."'," . "'".$elem['range']."',now())"; $booReturn = $myDataClass->dataInsert($strSQL, $intInsertId); if ($booReturn == false) { $myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage); } } } } } } else { $myVisClass->processMessage( translate('Database entry failed! Not all necessary data filled in!'), $strErrorMessage ); } } else { $myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Database entry failed! No write access!'), $strErrorMessage); } $chkModus = 'display'; } if ($chkModus != 'add') { $chkModus = 'display'; } // // Get date/time of last database and config file manipulation // =========================================================== $intReturn = $myConfigClass->lastModifiedFile($preTableName, $arrTimeData, $strTimeInfoString); if ($intReturn != 0) { $myVisClass->processMessage($myConfigClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage); } // // Singe data form // =============== if ($chkModus == 'add') { $conttp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Time period definitions (timeperiods.cfg)')); // Do not show modified time list $intNoTime = 1; // Process exclude selection fields if (isset($arrModifyData['exclude'])) { $intFieldId = $arrModifyData['exclude']; } else { $intFieldId = 0; } $intReturn1 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti( $preTableName, 'name', 'excludes', 'tbl_lnkTimeperiodToTimeperiod', 0, $intFieldId, $chkListId ); if ($intReturn1 != 0) { $myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage); } // Process include selection fields if (isset($arrModifyData['use_template'])) { $intFieldId = $arrModifyData['use_template']; } else { $intFieldId = 0; } $intReturn2 = $myVisClass->parseSelectMulti( $preTableName, 'name', 'uses', 'tbl_lnkTimeperiodToTimeperiodUse', 0, $intFieldId, $chkListId ); if ($intReturn2 != 0) { $myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage); } // Process acces group selection field if (isset($arrModifyData['access_group'])) { $intFieldId = $arrModifyData['access_group']; } else { $intFieldId = 0; } $intReturn3 = $myVisClass->parseSelectSimple('tbl_group', 'groupname', 'acc_group', 0, $intFieldId); if ($intReturn3 != 0) { $myVisClass->processMessage($myVisClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage); } // Initial add/modify form definitions $myContentClass->addFormInit($conttp); if ($intDataWarning == 1) { $conttp->setVariable('WARNING', $strDBWarning. '
' .translate('Saving not possible!')); } if ($intVersion < 3) { $conttp->setVariable('VERSION_20_VALUE_MUST', 'mselValue1,'); } $conttp->setVariable('LANG_INSERT_ALL_TIMERANGE', translate('Please insert a time definition and a time range')); // Insert data from database in "modify" mode if (isset($arrModifyData) && ($chkSelModify == 'modify')) { // Check relation information to find out locked configuration datasets $intLocked = $myDataClass->infoRelation($preTableName, $arrModifyData['id'], $preKeyField); $myVisClass->processMessage($myDataClass->strInfoMessage, $strRelMessage); $strInfo = '
' .translate('Entry cannot be activated because it is used by ' . 'another configuration'). ':'; $strInfo .= '
' .$strRelMessage. ''; // Process data $myContentClass->addInsertData($conttp, $arrModifyData, $intLocked, $strInfo); $conttp->setVariable('TIP_ID', $arrModifyData['id']); } $conttp->parse('datainsert'); $conttp->show('datainsert'); } // // List view // ========== if ($chkModus == 'display') { // Initial list view definitions $myContentClass->listViewInit($mastertp); $mastertp->setVariable('TITLE', translate('Time period definitions (timeperiods.cfg)')); $mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_1', translate('Time period')); $mastertp->setVariable('FIELD_2', translate('Description')); // Process filter string if ($_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession] != '') { $strSearchTxt = $_SESSION['search'][$preSearchSession]; $strSearchWhere = "AND (`$preKeyField` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' OR `alias` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%' " . "OR `name` LIKE '%".$strSearchTxt."%')"; } // Row sorting $strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`, `$preKeyField` $hidSortDir"; if ($hidSortBy == 2) { $strOrderString = "ORDER BY `config_id`, `alias` $hidSortDir"; } // Count datasets $strSQL = "SELECT count(*) AS `number` FROM `$preTableName` WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere " . "AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"; $booReturn1 = $myDBClass->hasSingleDataset($strSQL, $arrDataLinesCount); if ($booReturn1 == false) { $myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage); $myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage); } else { $intLineCount = (int)$arrDataLinesCount['number']; if ($intLineCount < $chkLimit) { $chkLimit = 0; } } // Get datasets $strSQL = "SELECT `id`, `$preKeyField`, `alias`, `register`, `active`, `config_id`, `access_group` " . "FROM `$preTableName` WHERE $strDomainWhere $strSearchWhere AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess) " . "$strOrderString LIMIT $chkLimit,".$SETS['common']['pagelines']; $booReturn2 = $myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount); if ($booReturn2 == false) { $myVisClass->processMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:'), $strErrorMessage); $myVisClass->processMessage($myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $strErrorMessage); } // Process data $myContentClass->listData($mastertp, $arrDataLines, $intDataCount, $intLineCount, $preKeyField, 'alias'); } // Show messages $myContentClass->showMessages( $mastertp, $strErrorMessage, $strInfoMessage, $strConsistMessage, $arrTimeData, $strTimeInfoString, $intNoTime ); // // Process footer // ============== $myContentClass->showFooter($maintp, $setFileVersion);