#@PERL@ -w @PERL_LIB_PATH_CODE@ my %conf = ( VERSION => "@PKG_VERSION@", USE_RRDs => "@RRDS@", DEBUG_LEVEL => "@DEBUG@", PERL_LIB_PATH => "@PERL_LIB_PATH@" ); if ( $conf{USE_RRDs} == 1 ) { unless ( eval "use RRDs;1" ) { $conf{USE_RRDs} = 0; } } if($conf{USE_RRDs} == 1){ $rrds_version = $RRDs::VERSION; } my $RRD_BINARY = "@RRDTOOL@"; @T = `$RRD_BINARY`; @v = split(/ /,$T[0]); $rrdtool_version = $v[1]; $rrdtool_message = ""; if($rrdtool_version == ""){ $rrdtool_message = "WARNING: \"$RRD_BINARY\" does not look like rrdtool"; }else{ $rrdtool_message = "$RRD_BINARY Version $rrdtool_version"; } printf ("\n\n"); printf ("*** Configuration summary for %s-%s %s ***","@PKG_NAME@","@PKG_VERSION@","@PKG_REL_DATE@"); printf ("\n\n"); printf (" General Options:\n"); printf (" ------------------------- -------------------\n"); printf (" Nagios user/group: %s %s\n","@nagios_user@","@nagios_grp@"); printf (" Install directory: %s\n","@prefix@"); printf (" HTML Dir: %s\n","@datarootdir@"); printf (" Config Dir: %s\n","@sysconfdir@"); printf (" Location of rrdtool binary: %s\n",$rrdtool_message); printf (" RRDs Perl Modules: %s\n","*** NOT FOUND ***") if($conf{USE_RRDs} == 0); printf (" RRDs Perl Modules: %s (Version %s)\n","FOUND", $rrds_version) if($conf{USE_RRDs} == 1); printf (" RRDs Perl search path: %s\n","@PERL_LIB_PATH@") if($conf{PERL_LIB_PATH} ne ""); printf (" RRD Files stored in: %s\n","@PERFDATA_DIR@"); printf (" process_perfdata.pl Logfile: %s\n","@PERFDATA_LOG@"); printf (" Perfdata files (NPCD) stored in: %s\n","@PERFDATA_SPOOL_DIR@"); printf ("\n"); printf (" Web Interface Options:\n"); printf (" ------------------------- -------------------\n"); printf (" HTML URL: %s\n","http://localhost@BASE_URL@"); printf (" Apache Config File: %s\n","@HTTPD_CONF@/@PKG_NAME@.conf"); if( $#ARGV == -1){ printf ("\n\n"); printf (" Review the options above for accuracy. If they look okay,\n"); printf (" type 'make all' to compile.\n"); } if($conf{USE_RRDs} == 0){ print "\n\n"; print " WARNING: The RRDs Perl Modules are not found on your system\n"; print " Using RRDs will speedup things in larger installations.\n"; } if($ENV{DESTDIR}){ print "\n\n"; print " WARNING: \$DESTDIR is set to $ENV{DESTDIR} \n"; } if($conf{DEBUG_LEVEL} != 0){ printf ("\n\n"); printf (" Found PERL at: %s\n","@PERL@"); printf (" Found SHELL at: %s\n","@SHELL@"); printf (" Debug Level: %s\n","@DEBUG@"); printf (" Libexecdir: %s\n","@libexecdir@"); printf (" localstatedir: %s\n","@localstatedir@"); printf (" libdir: %s\n","@libdir@"); printf (" sysconfdir: %s\n","@sysconfdir@"); printf (" datarootdir: %s\n","@datarootdir@"); printf (" sbindir: %s\n","@sbindir@"); printf (" bindir: %s\n","@bindir@"); printf (" System: %s\n","@host_os@"); } print "\n\n"; exit 0;