@echo off :: created by pdelaage on 20100928 :: usage : makece ARMV4|X86|... other cpus: see bat scripts in evc/bin :: eg makece X86, makece X86 clean :: makece <=> makece ARMV4 all :: NEVER DO makece clean ! but makece TARGETCPU clean ! :: Note : adapt EVC/bin/WCE.bat scripts Title WCE STUNNEL :: !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :: CUSTOMIZE THIS according to your EVC INSTALLED ENVIRONMENT :: !!!!!!!!!!!!!! set OSVERSION=WCE420 set PLATFORM=STANDARDSDK set WCEROOT=C:\Program Files\MSEVC4 set SDKROOT=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs :: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :: END CUSTOMIZATION :: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :: Define TARGET CPU :: ----------------- :: define "new" target (useful if one wants to compile for various WCE target CPUs) if "%1"=="" echo "USAGE : makece TARGETCPU other_make_options..." if "%1"=="" echo "TARGETCPU=(ARMV4|ARMV4I|ARMV4T|MIPS16|MIPSII|MIPSII_FP|MIPSIV|MIPSIV_FP|SH3|SH4|X86), other cpu: see bat scripts in evc/bin" if "%1"=="" echo "!!! do not hesitate to adapt evc.mak for CPU and/or better compilation flags !!!" if "%1"=="" exit /B :: old code to default to ARMV4, but it is better that users are WARNED that the script now need an explicit target! ::if "%1"=="" set NEWTGTCPU=ARMV4 if NOT DEFINED TARGETCPU set TARGETCPU=XXXXX if NOT "%1"=="" set NEWTGTCPU=%1 if NOT "%1"=="" shift echo WCE TARGET CPU is %NEWTGTCPU% rem Adjust MS EVC env vars rem ---------------------- rem Check MSenv vars against our ref values set isenvok=0 if "%NEWTGTCPU%"=="%TARGETCPU%" set /A "isenvok+=1" if %isenvok%==1 echo WCE ENVIRONMENT OK if %isenvok%==1 goto envisok :: useless since separated tgt folders ::echo WCE TARGET CPU changed, destroying every obj files ::del .\*.obj :: if env is NOT ok, adjust MS EVC env vars to be used by MS WCE.BAT :: (this is to avoid repetitive pollution of PATH) echo WCE ENVIRONMENT ADJUSTED :: call "%WCEROOT%\EVC\WCE420\BIN\WCE%NEWTGTCPU%.BAT" call "%WCEROOT%\EVC\%OSVERSION%\bin\WCE%NEWTGTCPU%.BAT" set TARGETCPU=%NEWTGTCPU% :envisok ::exit /B rem make everything rem --------------- nmake /NOLOGO -f evc.mak %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9