
450 lines
19 KiB

# Copyright 2013 Johannes Fuermann <johannes at>
# Copyright 2013 Manuel Munz <manu at>
# This file is part of fail2ban-p2p.
# Licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3. For details
# see the file COPYING or
import config
import socket
import thread
import threading
from command import Command
import server
import log
import os
import re
import friend
import hashlib
import json
import version
from select import select
from time import time
import crypto
import M2Crypto
import customexceptions
import validators
logger = log.initialize_logging("fail2ban-p2p." + __name__)
class Node:
"""Handles the self-awareness of the program."""
__shared_state = {}
# config attributes
uid = 0
name = ""
addresses = []
port = 0
ownerMail = ""
banTime = 0
# working attributes
banList = []
messageQueue = []
friends = []
running = True
lock = threading.Lock()
def __init__(self):
self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state # borg pattern.
def openSocket(self):
Opens a server socket on the port specified in the config files, forks away a thread to
handle the incoming requests.
""""This is node " + str( + " (uid=" + str(self.uid) + ") coming up")
logger.debug("running version: " + version.version)
sockets = []
for a in self.addresses:
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.bind((a, int(self.port)))
except Exception as e:
logger.warning("Couldn't bind to address "+a+" (Reason: "+str(e)+")")
while self.running:
readable, writable, errored = select(sockets, [], [])
for sock in readable:
client_socket, address = sock.accept()
logger.debug("connection from "+address[0])
thread.start_new_thread(server.serve, (self, client_socket, address))
except Exception as e:
def closeSocket(self):
Closes the server Socket
logger.debug("closing socket")
self.running = False
def processMessages(self):
"""Locks own instance and acts on incoming messages."""
logger.debug("begin message handling")
for c in self.messageQueue:
if not self.uid in c.hops:
if c.hops[0] == 'local':
del c.hops[0]
# relay if we're not already in the hops list
if c.msgType == 1:
# apply friend's trustlevel
if not 'Trustlevel' in c.parameter:
logger.warn("Incoming Message has no Trustlevel, I won't trust it. Never.")
c.parameter['Trustlevel'] = 0;
if c.sender != "local":
c.parameter['Trustlevel'] = int((float(c.sender.trustLevel)/100 * float(c.parameter['Trustlevel'])/100)*100)
logger.debug("Message now has trust level "+ str(c.parameter['Trustlevel']))
# Aggregate trustlevel if that IP is already in our database under these conditions:
# * Timestamp of the received message has changed
# * The originator of this message did not send it before
relay = True
ipindb = False
if len(self.banList) > 0:
for ban in self.banList:
if ban['AttackerIP'] == c.parameter['AttackerIP']:
ipindb = True
logger.debug("IP already in database.")
if int(ban['Timestamp']) != int(c.parameter['Timestamp']):
if not c.hops[0] in ban['Hops']:
trustold = ban['Trustlevel']
trustnew = int(trustold)+int(c.parameter['Trustlevel'])
if trustnew > 100:
trustnew = 100
ban['Trustlevel'] = trustnew
logger.debug("TrustLevel for this IP is now "+str(trustnew))
c.parameter['Trustlevel'] = trustnew
relay = False
logger.debug("There is already an entry from %s in our database, do nothing with this message." % c.hops[0])
relay = False
logger.debug("Timestamp has not changed, do nothing with this message")
if not ipindb:
self.banList.append({'AttackerIP': c.parameter['AttackerIP'], 'Timestamp': c.parameter['Timestamp'], 'BanTime': self.banTime, 'Trustlevel':c.parameter['Trustlevel'], 'Hops': [c.hops[0]]})
logger.debug("Added %s to internal banlist" % (c.parameter['AttackerIP']))
# write ban entry to log if the message's trust level is above our own threshold
if relay:
if int(c.parameter['Trustlevel']) >= int(config.Config().threshold):
logger.debug("Message's trust level (%s) was below our threshold (%s)" % (c.parameter['Trustlevel'], config.Config().threshold))
# Relay message
for friend in self.friends:
logger.debug("sending message to all friends")
if c.msgType == 3:
# dump all ips from banlist to the friend who send this dump request
sender_uid = c.hops[0]
for friend in self.friends:
logger.debug("Comparing senders uid (%s) with one of our friends uid (%s)" % (sender_uid, friend.uid))
if friend.uid == sender_uid:
logger.debug("The message is from our friend %s (uid: %s)" % (, friend.uid) )
logger.debug("Dumping banlist to %s (uid: %s)" % (, friend.uid) )
if len(self.banList) > 0:
for ban in self.banList:
c = Command()
c.msgType = 1
c.hops = [ self.uid ]
c.protocolVersion = version.protocolVersion
c.parameter = { "AttackerIP": ban['AttackerIP'], "Timestamp": ban['Timestamp'], "Trustlevel": ban['Trustlevel'] }
logger.debug("I know this message, I won't resend it to prevent loops")
logger.debug("end message handling")
self.messageQueue = []
logger.debug("deleted processed messages")
def addMessage(self, command):
"""Locks Instance, adds message to queue, releases instanceLock
* command (obj): command object
logger.debug("command added to queue")
def loadConfig(self):
"""Loads Config and own keypair."""
c = config.Config()
self.configPath = c.configPath
self.configFile = c.configFile
pubkey_file = open(c.pubkey, 'r').read()
pubkey = re.findall("-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----(.*?)-----END PUBLIC KEY-----", pubkey_file, re.DOTALL|re.M)[0]
logger.debug("our own pubkey is: %s" % pubkey)
self.uid = str(hashlib.sha224(pubkey).hexdigest())
logger.debug("that makes our own uid: %s", self.uid)
self.addresses = c.addresses
self.port = c.port
self.ownerMail = c.ownermail
self.banTime = int(c.banTime) =
def getFriends(self):
"""Reads Friends from config path.
This iterates over all files in <config path>/friends, extracts all options and
add these friends to self.friends if their configuration is valid.
error = False
friendPath = os.path.join(self.configPath, 'friends')
friends = [f for f in os.listdir(friendPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(friendPath, f))]
if not friends:
logger.warning("No friends found. In order to properly use fail2ban-p2p" +
" add at least one friend.")
for file in friends:
with open(os.path.join(os.path.join(self.configPath, 'friends'), file), 'r') as f:
friendinfo = str(
pubkey = re.findall("-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----(.*?)-----END PUBLIC KEY-----", friendinfo, re.DOTALL|re.M)[0]
except IndexError:
logger.warning("No pubkey found in config for " + file)
error = True
if pubkey:
logger.debug("read friend's public key: %s" % pubkey )
uid = str(hashlib.sha224(pubkey).hexdigest())
address ="address\s*=\s*(.*)", friendinfo).group(1)
except AttributeError:
logger.warning("address not found in config for " + file)
error = True
port ="port\s*=\s*(.*)", friendinfo).group(1)
# make sure port is in valid range
if not 0 < int(port) < 65536:
logger.warning("Port is invalid in '%s' friend file, must be between 0 and 65535" % file)
error = True
except AttributeError:
logger.warning("port not found in config for " + file)
error = True
trustlevel ="trustlevel\s*=\s*(.*)", friendinfo).group(1)
except AttributeError:
logger.warning("trustlevel not found in config for" + file)
error = True
if not error:
obj = friend.Friend(name=file, uid=uid, address=address, port=int(port),
trustLevel=int(trustlevel), publicKey=pubkey)
obj.configpath=os.path.join(os.path.join(self.configPath, 'friends'), file)
logger.debug("added friend " + file +
" (uid=" + uid + ", address=" + address + ", port=" + str(port) +
", trustLevel=" + str(trustlevel) + ")"
logger.error("Could not add friend '%s' due to errors in the config file" % file)
def verifyMessage(self, message):
"""Verify a message
* message -- message object
logger.debug("signature in command class is: "+str(message.signature))
logger.debug("attempting to verify command")
# semantic verification
# 1. Parameters for all msgTypes
# msgType
if not message.msgType:
logger.warn("Required parameter 'msgType' is missing in received message.")
raise customexceptions.InvalidMessage
if not validators.isInteger(message.msgType):
logger.warn("Invalid parameter 'msgType' in received message, can only be an integer.")
raise customexceptions.InvalidMessage
# Protocol version
if not version.protocolVersion == message.protocolVersion:
logger.warn("The protocol version of the received message (" + str(message.protocolVersion) + ") does not match the protocol version of this node (" + str(version.protocolVersion) + ").")
raise customexceptions.InvalidProtocolVersion
# Signature
if not message.signature:
logger.warn("Signature is missing in received message")
raise customexceptions.InvalidMessage
# Hops
for h in message.hops:
if not validators.isAlphaNumeric(h):
logger.warn("Invalid characters in hops. Only alphanumeric characters are allowed.")
raise customexceptions.InvalidMessage
# Parameters
if not message.parameter:
logger.warn("Message contains no parameters!")
raise customexceptions.InvalidMessage
# 2. parameters for custom message types
if message.msgType == 1:
# Verify AttackerIP
if not ("AttackerIP" in message.parameter):
logger.warn("Required parameter 'AttackerIP' is missing in received message.")
raise customexceptions.InvalidMessage
if not validators.isIPv4address(message.parameter['AttackerIP']):
logger.warn('Invalid parameter "AttackerIP" in received message.')
raise customexceptions.InvalidMessage
# Verify Timestamp
if not ("Timestamp" in message.parameter):
logger.warn("Required parameter 'Timestamp' is missing in received message.")
raise customexceptions.InvalidMessage
if not validators.isInteger(message.parameter['Timestamp']):
logger.warn('Invalid parameter "Timestamp" in received message.')
raise customexceptions.InvalidMessage
# verify Trustlevel
if not 'Trustlevel' in message.parameter:
logger.warn('Required parameter "Trustlevel" in missing in received message.')
raise customexceptions.InvalidMessage
if not (validators.isInteger(message.parameter['Trustlevel']) and 0 <= int(message.parameter['Trustlevel']) <= 100):
logger.warn('Invalid parameter "Trustlevel" in received message.')
raise customexceptions.InvalidMessage
elif message.msgType == 2 or message.msgType == 3:
if not ("TimeFrame" in message.parameter):
logger.warn("Required parameter 'TimeFrame' is missing in received message.")
raise customexceptions.InvalidMessage
if not validators.isInteger(message.parameter['TimeFrame']):
logger.warn('Invalid parameter "TimeFrame" in received message.')
raise customexceptions.InvalidMessage
logger.warn("Unknown message type: " + str(message.msgType))
raise customexceptions.InvalidMessage
# signature
logger.debug("attempting to verify signature")
last_hop_uid = message.hops[len(message.hops)-1]
logger.debug("Last hop's uid is: %s" % ( last_hop_uid ) )
# look for known signatures
sender = None
for friend in self.friends:
logger.debug("Comparing last hops uid (%s) with one of our friends uid (%s)" % (last_hop_uid, friend.uid))
if friend.uid == last_hop_uid:
logger.debug("The message seems to be from our friend %s (uid: %s)" % (, friend.uid) )
sender = friend
pk = M2Crypto.RSA.load_pub_key(sender.configpath)
if last_hop_uid == "local": # the message was signed with our own key
logger.debug("This message was signed with our own key.")
c = config.Config()
pk = M2Crypto.RSA.load_pub_key(c.pubkey)
sender = "local"
if sender == None:
logger.warning("The message could not be mapped to one of our friends!")
raise customexceptions.InvalidSignature
# load sender's public key
VerifyEVP = M2Crypto.EVP.PKey()
# Assign the public key to our VerifyEVP
# Begin verification
# verify the message against it
VerifyEVP.verify_update (json.dumps(message.toSerializableDict()))
if(VerifyEVP.verify_final(message.signature.decode('hex')) != 1):
logger.warning('Signature doesnt match!')
return False
logger.debug('Signature verified successfully')
message.sender = sender
return True
def dumpBanlist(self, timeframe):
"""Generates List of Bans
* timeframe (int): Show nodes that were inserted this many seconds ago or later
JSON encoded list of known bans.
banlist = []
if not timeframe:
timeframe = 3600
timeframestart = int(time()) - int(timeframe)
logger.debug("Dumping all nodes that were inserted after " + str(timeframestart))
for entry in self.banList:
if int(entry['Timestamp']) > int(timeframestart):
return json.dumps(banlist)
def requestBanlist(self):
"""Request a Ban List from all friends."""
for friend in self.friends:
logger.debug("Sending dump request to " +
c = Command()
c.msgType = 3
c.hops = [ self.uid ]
c.protocolVersion = version.protocolVersion
c.parameter = { "TimeFrame": self.banTime or 3600 }
def cleanBanlist(self):
"""Purges expired bans, restarts itself after 60 seconds."""
logger.debug("Purging all entries from banlist that are older than %s seconds." % self.banTime)
if len(self.banList) > 0:
banListKeep = []
for ban in self.banList:
if ban['Timestamp'] + self.banTime > time():
else:"Removed %s from internal banlist because the ban has expired." % ban['AttackerIP'])
self.banList = banListKeep
global cleaner
cleaner = threading.Timer(60,self.cleanBanlist)
def cleanBanlistStop(self):
"""stops cleanBanlist thread"""