#!/bin/sh PN="ghostscript" VERSION="9.00" RELEASE="1" PRIORITY="0" TYPE="public" # all downloads should not have any traling parameters like ?downlaodid=1234 .....(should rewrite in python) ICON="http://scottlinux.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/ghostscript.png" X86="ftp://download.may.co.at/Repository/msoftware/MAYComp/Current/RO/gs900x86.msi" AMD64="ftp://download.may.co.at/Repository/msoftware/MAYComp/Current/RO/gs900x64.msi" ICONFILE=${ICON##*/} X86FILE=${X86##*/} AMD64FILE=${AMD64##*/} if [ -e /var/tmp/opsi/upload/$TYPE/${PN}_${VERSION}-${RELEASE}.opsi ] then echo "package ${PN}_${VERSION}-${RELEASE}.opsi already generated" exit 1 fi OUT=$(mktemp -d /tmp/output.XXXXXXXXXX) || { echo "Failed to create temp dir"; exit 1; } mkdir $OUT/$PN cp -Rv OPSI CLIENT_DATA $OUT/$PN unix2dos $OUT/$PN/CLIENT_DATA/* if [ -e /usr/portage/distfiles/$ICONFILE ] then if [ -e $ICONFILE.sha1sum ] then SHA1SUM=`cat $ICONFILE.sha1sum` CHECKSUM=`sha1sum /usr/portage/distfiles/$ICONFILE` if [ "$CHECKSUM" = "$SHA1SUM" ] then convert -colorspace rgb /usr/portage/distfiles/$ICONFILE -transparent white -background transparent -resize 160x160\> \ -size 160x160 xc:transparent +swap -gravity center -composite $OUT/$PN/CLIENT_DATA/$PN.png # convert -colorspace rgb /usr/portage/distfiles/$ICONFILE -resize x160 -gravity center -crop 160x160+0+0 +repage $OUT/$PN/CLIENT_DATA/$PN.png else echo "The checksums do not match." exit 1 fi else echo "You need to create the checksums with: sha1sum /usr/portage/distfiles/$ICONFILE > $ICONFILE.sha1sum" exit 1 fi else echo "Downloading file" wget -P /usr/portage/distfiles/ $ICON exit 1 fi if [ -e /usr/portage/distfiles/$X86FILE ] then if [ -e $X86FILE.sha1sum ] then SHA1SUM=`cat $X86FILE.sha1sum` CHECKSUM=`sha1sum /usr/portage/distfiles/$X86FILE` if [ "$CHECKSUM" = "$SHA1SUM" ] then cp /usr/portage/distfiles/$X86FILE $OUT/$PN/CLIENT_DATA else echo "The checksums do not match." exit 1 fi else echo "You need to create the checksums with: sha1sum /usr/portage/distfiles/$X86FILE > $X86FILE.sha1sum" exit 1 fi else echo "Downloading file" wget -P /usr/portage/distfiles/ $X86 exit 1 fi if [ -e /usr/portage/distfiles/$AMD64FILE ] then if [ -e $AMD64FILE.sha1sum ] then SHA1SUM=`cat $AMD64FILE.sha1sum` CHECKSUM=`sha1sum /usr/portage/distfiles/$AMD64FILE` if [ "$CHECKSUM" = "$SHA1SUM" ] then cp /usr/portage/distfiles/$AMD64FILE $OUT/$PN/CLIENT_DATA else echo "The checksums do not match." exit 1 fi else echo "You need to create the checksums with: sha1sum /usr/portage/distfiles/$AMD64FILE > $AMD64FILE.sha1sum" exit 1 fi else echo "Downloading file" wget -P /usr/portage/distfiles/ $AMD64 exit 1 fi sed -e "s!VERSION!$VERSION!g" -e "s!RELEASE!$RELEASE!g" -e "s!PRIORITY!$PRIORITY!g" -i $OUT/$PN/OPSI/control sed -e "s!X86FILE!$X86FILE!g" -e "s!AMD64FILE!$AMD64FILE!g" -i $OUT/$PN/CLIENT_DATA/setup.ins if test -d ".git"; then git log --date-order --date=short | \ sed -e '/^commit.*$/d' | \ awk '/^Author/ {sub(/\\$/,""); getline t; print $0 t; next}; 1' | \ sed -e 's/^Author: //g' | \ sed -e 's/>Date: \([0-9]*-[0-9]*-[0-9]*\)/>\t\1/g' | \ sed -e 's/^\(.*\) \(\)\t\(.*\)/\3 \1 \2/g' > $OUT/$PN/OPSI/changelog.txt else echo "No git repository present." exit 1 fi pushd $OUT opsi-makeproductfile -v $OUT/$PN popd mkdir -p /var/tmp/opsi/upload/$TYPE/ cp -afv $OUT/*.opsi /var/tmp/opsi/upload/$TYPE/ rm -rf $OUT