[Package] version: 6 depends: incremental: False [Product] type: localboot id: activate-win name: Windows Activation description: Tries to activate this Windows installation advice: version: 1.0 priority: 0 licenseRequired: False productClasses: setupScript: setup.ins uninstallScript: updateScript: alwaysScript: onceScript: customScript: userLoginScript: [ProductProperty] type: unicode name: poolid-or-licensekey multivalue: False editable: True description: id from opsi-license-management-pool or license key [ProductProperty] type: unicode name: method multivalue: False editable: False description: What should we do: "only-activate" : activate with the installed key "opsi License management": get key from opsi (need the poolid in other property) and activate "licensekey from property": get licensekey from property 'poolid-or-licensekey' and activate values: ["licensekey from property", "only-activate", "opsi License management"] default: ["only-activate"] [ProductProperty] type: unicode name: httpproxy multivalue: False editable: True description: httpproxy needed for activation proxy.mycompany.com:3218 default: [""]