
413 lines
12 KiB
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2017-04-22 14:09:10 +02:00
* Incomplete code for handling mode sense data. Not used.
* Copyright (c) 2007 by Jefferson Ogata
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "megactl.h"
#include "megaioctl.h"
#include "modepage.h"
#include "dumpbytes.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#if 0
static char *logPageType[] = {
/* 0 */ "supported log pages",
/* 1 */ "buffer over-run/under-run",
/* 2 */ "write error counter",
/* 3 */ "read error counter",
/* 4 */ "read reverse error counter",
/* 5 */ "verify error counter",
/* 6 */ "non-medium error",
/* 7 */ "last n error events",
/* 8 */ "format status",
/* 9 */ NULL,
/* a */ NULL,
/* b */ "last n deferred errors os asynchronous events",
/* c */ "sequential-access device",
/* d */ "temperature",
/* e */ "start-stop cycle counter",
/* f */ "application client",
/* 10 */ "self-test results",
/* 11 */ "DTD status",
/* 12 */ "TapeAlert response",
/* 13 */ "requested recover",
/* 14 */ "device statistics",
/* 15 */ NULL,
/* 16 */ NULL,
/* 17 */ "non-volatile cache",
/* 18 */ "protocol specific port",
/* 19 */ NULL,
/* 1a */ NULL,
/* 1b */ NULL,
/* 1c */ NULL,
/* 1d */ NULL,
/* 1e */ NULL,
/* 1f */ NULL,
/* 20 */ NULL,
/* 21 */ NULL,
/* 22 */ NULL,
/* 23 */ NULL,
/* 24 */ NULL,
/* 25 */ NULL,
/* 26 */ NULL,
/* 27 */ NULL,
/* 28 */ NULL,
/* 29 */ NULL,
/* 2a */ NULL,
/* 2b */ NULL,
/* 2c */ NULL,
/* 2d */ NULL,
/* 2e */ "TapeAlert",
/* 2f */ "informational exceptions",
/* 30 */ "vendor specific",
/* 31 */ "vendor specific",
/* 32 */ "vendor specific",
/* 33 */ "vendor specific",
/* 34 */ "vendor specific",
/* 35 */ "vendor specific",
/* 36 */ "vendor specific",
/* 37 */ "vendor specific",
/* 38 */ "vendor specific",
/* 39 */ "vendor specific",
/* 3a */ "vendor specific",
/* 3b */ "vendor specific",
/* 3c */ "vendor specific",
/* 3d */ "vendor specific",
/* 3e */ "vendor specific",
/* 3f */ NULL,
char *friendlySize (uint64_t b, char *unit)
static char *suffix[] = { "", "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi", "Ei", "Zi", "Yi", };
int k;
static char bytes[128];
for (k = 0; (b >= 1024) && (k < sizeof (suffix) / sizeof (suffix[0]) - 1); ++k, b /= 1024)
snprintf (bytes, sizeof bytes, "%3llu%s%s", b, suffix[k], unit);
return bytes;
uint32_t blocksToGB (uint32_t blocks)
return (long) (((uint64_t) blocks) * 512 / 1000000000);
uint32_t blocksToGiB (uint32_t blocks)
return blocks / 2 / 1024 / 1024;
static uint64_t extractInt64 (void *u, size_t len)
uint64_t x;
uint8_t *v;
for (x = 0, v = u; len > 0; --len, ++v)
x = (x << 8) + *v;
return x;
int parseLogPage (void *log, size_t len, struct logData *x)
struct logPageHeader *h = log;
void *u = log + sizeof (*h);
struct logParameterHeader *p;
size_t pageLen;
memset (x, 0, sizeof (*x));
if (len < sizeof (*h))
return -1;
pageLen = ntohs (h->length) + sizeof (*h);
if (len > pageLen)
len = pageLen;
len -= sizeof (*h);
x->h = *h;
x->h.length = pageLen;
while (len >= sizeof (*p))
uint16_t code;
uint64_t e;
p = u;
if (p->length + sizeof (*p) > len)
len -= sizeof (*p);
u += sizeof (*p);
code = ntohs (p->parameter_code);
switch (h->page_code)
case 0x02:
case 0x03:
case 0x04:
case 0x05:
e = extractInt64 (u, p->length);
switch (code)
case 0x0000: x->u.error.corrected = e; break;
case 0x0001: x->u.error.delayed = e; break;
case 0x0002: x->u.error.reread = e; break;
case 0x0003: x->u.error.total_corrected = e; break;
case 0x0004: x->u.error.total_algorithm = e; break;
case 0x0005: x->u.error.total_bytes = e; break;
case 0x0006: x->u.error.total_uncorrected = e; break;
default: break;
case 0x0d:
switch (code)
case 0x0000: x->u.temperature.current = ((uint8_t *) u)[1]; break;
case 0x0001: x->u.temperature.reference = ((uint8_t *) u)[1]; break;
default: break;
case 0x0e:
switch (code)
case 0x0001:
strncpy (x->u.startstop.manufacture_year, u, sizeof (x->u.startstop.manufacture_year) - 1);
x->u.startstop.manufacture_year[sizeof (x->u.startstop.manufacture_year) - 1] = '\0';
ntrim (x->u.startstop.manufacture_year);
strncpy (x->u.startstop.manufacture_week, u + 4, sizeof (x->u.startstop.manufacture_week) - 1);
x->u.startstop.manufacture_week[sizeof (x->u.startstop.manufacture_week) - 1] = '\0';
ntrim (x->u.startstop.manufacture_week);
case 0x0002:
strncpy (x->u.startstop.accounting_year, u, sizeof (x->u.startstop.accounting_year) - 1);
x->u.startstop.accounting_year[sizeof (x->u.startstop.accounting_year) - 1] = '\0';
ntrim (x->u.startstop.accounting_year);
strncpy (x->u.startstop.accounting_week, u + 4, sizeof (x->u.startstop.accounting_week) - 1);
x->u.startstop.accounting_week[sizeof (x->u.startstop.accounting_week) - 1] = '\0';
ntrim (x->u.startstop.accounting_week);
case 0x0003:
x->u.startstop.recommended_starts = ntohl (*((uint32_t *) u));
case 0x0004:
x->u.startstop.accumulated_starts = ntohl (*((uint32_t *) u));
case 0x10:
if ((code < 1) || (code > sizeof (x->u.selftest.entry) / sizeof (x->u.selftest.entry[0])))
if (p->length != sizeof (x->u.selftest.entry[0]) - sizeof (*p))
x->u.selftest.entry[code] = *((struct selfTestLogParameter *) p);
x->u.selftest.entry[code].h.parameter_code = code;
x->u.selftest.entry[code].timestamp = ntohs (x->u.selftest.entry[code].timestamp);
x->u.selftest.entry[code].lba = extractInt64 (&x->u.selftest.entry[code].lba, sizeof (x->u.selftest.entry[code].lba));
len -= p->length;
u += p->length;
/* flag any problems */
switch (h->page_code)
case 0x02:
case 0x03:
case 0x04:
case 0x05:
if (x->u.error.total_uncorrected)
x->problem = 1;
case 0x0d:
if (x->u.temperature.reference && (x->u.temperature.reference != 0xff) && (x->u.temperature.current >= x->u.temperature.reference))
x->problem = 1;
return 0;
void dumpModePage (FILE *f, struct modeData *x, void *mode, size_t len, int verbosity)
struct logPageHeader *h = log;
void *u = log + sizeof (*h);
struct logParameterHeader *p;
size_t pageLen;
int k;
switch (x->h.page_code)
case 0x02:
case 0x03:
case 0x04:
case 0x05:
switch (x->h.page_code)
case 0x02: fprintf (f, " write errors:"); break;
case 0x03: fprintf (f, " read errors:"); break;
case 0x04: fprintf (f, " read/rev errors:"); break;
case 0x05: fprintf (f, " verify errors:"); break;
fprintf (f, " corr:%-6s", friendlySize (x->u.error.corrected, ""));
fprintf (f, " delay:%-6s", friendlySize (x->u.error.delayed, ""));
switch (x->h.page_code)
case 0x02: fprintf (f, " rewrit:%-6s", friendlySize (x->u.error.reread, "")); break;
case 0x03: fprintf (f, " reread:%-6s", friendlySize (x->u.error.reread, "")); break;
case 0x04: fprintf (f, " reread:%-6s", friendlySize (x->u.error.reread, "")); break;
case 0x05: fprintf (f, " revrfy:%-6s", friendlySize (x->u.error.reread, "")); break;
fprintf (f, " tot/corr:%-6s", friendlySize (x->u.error.total_corrected, ""));
if (verbosity > 1)
fprintf (f, " tot/alg:%-6s", friendlySize (x->u.error.total_algorithm, ""));
if (verbosity > 1)
fprintf (f, " tot/bytes:%-6s", friendlySize (x->u.error.total_bytes, "B"));
fprintf (f, " tot/uncorr:%-6s", friendlySize (x->u.error.total_uncorrected, ""));
fprintf (f, "\n");
case 0x0d:
fprintf (f, " temperature: current:%uC threshold:%uC%s\n", x->u.temperature.current, x->u.temperature.reference, x->problem ? " warning:temperature threshold exceeded" : "");
case 0x0e:
fprintf (f, " ");
if (strlen (x->u.startstop.manufacture_year) && strlen (x->u.startstop.manufacture_week))
fprintf (f, " manufactured:%s/%s", x->u.startstop.manufacture_year, x->u.startstop.manufacture_week);
if (strlen (x->u.startstop.accounting_year) && strlen (x->u.startstop.accounting_week))
fprintf (f, " accounting:%s/%s", x->u.startstop.accounting_year, x->u.startstop.accounting_week);
fprintf (f, " starts:%d/%d", x->u.startstop.accumulated_starts, x->u.startstop.recommended_starts);
fprintf (f, "\n");
case 0x10:
for (k = 0; k < sizeof (x->u.selftest.entry) / sizeof (x->u.selftest.entry[0]); ++k)
struct selfTestLogParameter *t = &x->u.selftest.entry[k];
if (t->self_test_code || t->self_test_results || t->timestamp || t->number || t->lba)
char *test;
char *result;
switch (t->self_test_code)
case SCSI_SELFTEST_DEFAULT: test = "default"; break;
case SCSI_SELFTEST_BACKGROUND_SHORT: test = "bg short"; break;
case SCSI_SELFTEST_BACKGROUND_LONG: test = "bg long"; break;
case SCSI_SELFTEST_BACKGROUND_ABORT: test = "bg aborted"; break;
case SCSI_SELFTEST_FOREGROUND_SHORT: test = "fg short"; break;
case SCSI_SELFTEST_FOREGROUND_LONG: test = "fg long"; break;
default: test = "unknown"; break;
switch (t->self_test_results)
case 0x0: result = "completed without error"; break;
case 0x1: result = "aborted via send diagnostic"; break;
case 0x2: result = "aborted via other method"; break;
case 0x3: result = "unable to complete"; break;
case 0x4: result = "failed in unknown segment"; break;
case 0x5: result = "failed in segment 1"; break;
case 0x6: result = "failed in segment 2"; break;
case 0x7: result = "failed in other segment"; break;
case 0xf: result = "in progress"; break;
default: result = "unknown result"; break;
fprintf (f, " %2d: timestamp %4ud%02uh: %10s %-30s seg:%u lba:%-8lld sk:%u asc:%u ascq:%u vs:%u\n", k, t->timestamp / 24, t->timestamp % 24, test, result, t->number, t->lba, t->sense_key, t->additional_sense_code, t->additional_sense_code_qualifier, t->vendor_specific);
if (!(verbosity > 2))
if (len < sizeof (*h))
pageLen = ntohs (h->length) + sizeof (*h);
if (len > pageLen)
len = pageLen;
len -= sizeof (*h);
switch (h->page_code)
case 0x00:
fprintf (f, " %s:", logPageType[h->page_code]);
if (verbosity > 1)
fprintf (f, "\n");
for (k = len; k > 0; --k, ++u)
uint8_t code = *((unsigned char *) u);
if (verbosity > 1)
char *name;
if ((code < sizeof logPageType / sizeof (logPageType[0])) && logPageType[code])
name = logPageType[code];
name = "unknown log page";
fprintf (f, " %02x %s\n", code, name);
fprintf (f, " %02x", code);
if (verbosity <= 1)
fprintf (f, "\n");
fprintf (f, " log page %02x, length %u%s\n", h->page_code, ntohs (h->length), len < pageLen - sizeof (*h) ? " warning: truncated" : "");
while (len >= sizeof (*p))
uint16_t code;
p = u;
if (p->length + sizeof (*p) > len)
len -= sizeof (*p);
u += sizeof (*p);
code = ntohs (p->parameter_code);
fprintf (f, " param %04x, du %u, ds %u, tsd %u, etc %u, tmc %u, lbin %u, lp %u, length %u\n", code, p->du, p->ds, p->tsd, p->etc, p->tmc, p->lbin, p->lp, p->length);
dumpbytes (f, u, p->length, u, "param");
len -= p->length;
u += p->length;