/* DOC for NET.EXE */ /* last updated: 21-May-96 */ This is a short description of net.exe which is a simple DOS-client program to allow standard NCP network actions, mainly for mars_nwe. All functions are called as a second parameter, or if the program is renamed to a guilty function like login.exe then the function will be the progname. This is very usefull for login.exe. This program is very incomplete till now, but some functions works well with mars_nwe. LOGIN: usage: LOGIN [-u] [user | user password] -u = use unencrypted password. With this function you can log into a NCP Server. If there exists a 'login' file in the same directory as net.exe resides then this file will be interpreted as a command file. You also can use command files with the PROFILE command. It is usefull to copy (or do a Linux link) net.exe to login.exe. example for a 'login' script (resides in same directory as net.exe) map f:=SYS: map h:=home: map z:=SYS:PUBLIC path s16:=z:. capture lpt1 q1 profile h:\profile # will call users home 'profile' if not exist h:\profile.bat goto :end PROFILE: usage: PROFILE filename With this function you are able to run a command script. In this command script you can use every net.exe command. SPAWN: With SPAWN you can start external programs. PASSWD: usage: PASSWD [user] With this function you are able to change a users password. This call uses the old unencryted change password call !! PATH: usage: PATH sn:[=[path]] sn = 's1' .. 's16' With this function a new path element can be created. Its only sets the path environment ! PATHINS: usage: PATHINS sn:[=[path]] sn = 's1' .. 's16' like PATH, but inserts PATH, not overwrites. PATHDEL: usage: PATHDEL sn: sn = 's1' .. 's16' deletes PATH element MAP: usage: MAP [d:[=[path]]] d = 'A' .. 'Z' Maps a drive to a volume or volume/path. MAPDEL: usage: MAPDEL d: d = 'A' .. 'Z' Removes a map. LOGOUT: Logout from a NCP Server. DEBUG: For setting debug flag in mars_nwe processes. If you want to use this, you must set mars_nwe/config.h: FUNC_17_02_IS_DEBUG to '1' SPAWN: EXEC: external program execution spawning or overlayed.