@ECHO OFF rem DOS BATCH FILE rem File is called ohlogscr.bat and gets called with an exit "ohlogscr.bat" rem from the master mars login script.... rem unix2dos this file before using it. echo . rem rem I: is a map to the user directory. rem if not "%name%"=="SUPERVIS" goto aaa if not exist i:\users.usr goto aaa i: cd \ cls echo Creating new users and destroying old ones. rem Use makeuser script from novell to create/destroy the new/old users makeuser users.usr type users.rpt | more copy users.old + users.usr users.lst > nul copy usrpt.old + users.rpt usrpt.lst > nul copy users.lst users.old > nul copy usrpt.lst usrpt.old > nul del users.rpt > nul del users.usr > nul f: pause :aaa rem rem Place your normal household stuff in here...... rem all the variable names below gets created in the master login script Echo ________________________________________________________________________ echo Welcome %LONGNAME% driving on your %MACHINE% from IPX node %NETADDR%:%NODE% echo Your %OSTYPE% %OSVER% is far too outdated for THIS powerfull server! echo Your mailbox is %MBOX% and your temp directory is set to %TEMP% echo It looks like we're ready to rock and roll!! Echo ________________________________________________________________________