/* BwtSort.c -- BWT block sorting 2013-11-12 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain */ #include "Precomp.h" #include "BwtSort.h" #include "Sort.h" /* #define BLOCK_SORT_USE_HEAP_SORT */ #define NO_INLINE MY_FAST_CALL /* Don't change it !!! */ #define kNumHashBytes 2 #define kNumHashValues (1 << (kNumHashBytes * 8)) /* kNumRefBitsMax must be < (kNumHashBytes * 8) = 16 */ #define kNumRefBitsMax 12 #define BS_TEMP_SIZE kNumHashValues #ifdef BLOCK_SORT_EXTERNAL_FLAGS /* 32 Flags in UInt32 word */ #define kNumFlagsBits 5 #define kNumFlagsInWord (1 << kNumFlagsBits) #define kFlagsMask (kNumFlagsInWord - 1) #define kAllFlags 0xFFFFFFFF #else #define kNumBitsMax 20 #define kIndexMask ((1 << kNumBitsMax) - 1) #define kNumExtraBits (32 - kNumBitsMax) #define kNumExtra0Bits (kNumExtraBits - 2) #define kNumExtra0Mask ((1 << kNumExtra0Bits) - 1) #define SetFinishedGroupSize(p, size) \ { *(p) |= ((((size) - 1) & kNumExtra0Mask) << kNumBitsMax); \ if ((size) > (1 << kNumExtra0Bits)) { \ *(p) |= 0x40000000; *((p) + 1) |= ((((size) - 1)>> kNumExtra0Bits) << kNumBitsMax); } } \ static void SetGroupSize(UInt32 *p, UInt32 size) { if (--size == 0) return; *p |= 0x80000000 | ((size & kNumExtra0Mask) << kNumBitsMax); if (size >= (1 << kNumExtra0Bits)) { *p |= 0x40000000; p[1] |= ((size >> kNumExtra0Bits) << kNumBitsMax); } } #endif /* SortGroup - is recursive Range-Sort function with HeapSort optimization for small blocks "range" is not real range. It's only for optimization. returns: 1 - if there are groups, 0 - no more groups */ UInt32 NO_INLINE SortGroup(UInt32 BlockSize, UInt32 NumSortedBytes, UInt32 groupOffset, UInt32 groupSize, int NumRefBits, UInt32 *Indices #ifndef BLOCK_SORT_USE_HEAP_SORT , UInt32 left, UInt32 range #endif ) { UInt32 *ind2 = Indices + groupOffset; UInt32 *Groups; if (groupSize <= 1) { /* #ifndef BLOCK_SORT_EXTERNAL_FLAGS SetFinishedGroupSize(ind2, 1); #endif */ return 0; } Groups = Indices + BlockSize + BS_TEMP_SIZE; if (groupSize <= ((UInt32)1 << NumRefBits) #ifndef BLOCK_SORT_USE_HEAP_SORT && groupSize <= range #endif ) { UInt32 *temp = Indices + BlockSize; UInt32 j; UInt32 mask, thereAreGroups, group, cg; { UInt32 gPrev; UInt32 gRes = 0; { UInt32 sp = ind2[0] + NumSortedBytes; if (sp >= BlockSize) sp -= BlockSize; gPrev = Groups[sp]; temp[0] = (gPrev << NumRefBits); } for (j = 1; j < groupSize; j++) { UInt32 sp = ind2[j] + NumSortedBytes; UInt32 g; if (sp >= BlockSize) sp -= BlockSize; g = Groups[sp]; temp[j] = (g << NumRefBits) | j; gRes |= (gPrev ^ g); } if (gRes == 0) { #ifndef BLOCK_SORT_EXTERNAL_FLAGS SetGroupSize(ind2, groupSize); #endif return 1; } } HeapSort(temp, groupSize); mask = ((1 << NumRefBits) - 1); thereAreGroups = 0; group = groupOffset; cg = (temp[0] >> NumRefBits); temp[0] = ind2[temp[0] & mask]; { #ifdef BLOCK_SORT_EXTERNAL_FLAGS UInt32 *Flags = Groups + BlockSize; #else UInt32 prevGroupStart = 0; #endif for (j = 1; j < groupSize; j++) { UInt32 val = temp[j]; UInt32 cgCur = (val >> NumRefBits); if (cgCur != cg) { cg = cgCur; group = groupOffset + j; #ifdef BLOCK_SORT_EXTERNAL_FLAGS { UInt32 t = group - 1; Flags[t >> kNumFlagsBits] &= ~(1 << (t & kFlagsMask)); } #else SetGroupSize(temp + prevGroupStart, j - prevGroupStart); prevGroupStart = j; #endif } else thereAreGroups = 1; { UInt32 ind = ind2[val & mask]; temp[j] = ind; Groups[ind] = group; } } #ifndef BLOCK_SORT_EXTERNAL_FLAGS SetGroupSize(temp + prevGroupStart, j - prevGroupStart); #endif } for (j = 0; j < groupSize; j++) ind2[j] = temp[j]; return thereAreGroups; } /* Check that all strings are in one group (cannot sort) */ { UInt32 group, j; UInt32 sp = ind2[0] + NumSortedBytes; if (sp >= BlockSize) sp -= BlockSize; group = Groups[sp]; for (j = 1; j < groupSize; j++) { sp = ind2[j] + NumSortedBytes; if (sp >= BlockSize) sp -= BlockSize; if (Groups[sp] != group) break; } if (j == groupSize) { #ifndef BLOCK_SORT_EXTERNAL_FLAGS SetGroupSize(ind2, groupSize); #endif return 1; } } #ifndef BLOCK_SORT_USE_HEAP_SORT { /* ---------- Range Sort ---------- */ UInt32 i; UInt32 mid; for (;;) { UInt32 j; if (range <= 1) { #ifndef BLOCK_SORT_EXTERNAL_FLAGS SetGroupSize(ind2, groupSize); #endif return 1; } mid = left + ((range + 1) >> 1); j = groupSize; i = 0; do { UInt32 sp = ind2[i] + NumSortedBytes; if (sp >= BlockSize) sp -= BlockSize; if (Groups[sp] >= mid) { for (j--; j > i; j--) { sp = ind2[j] + NumSortedBytes; if (sp >= BlockSize) sp -= BlockSize; if (Groups[sp] < mid) { UInt32 temp = ind2[i]; ind2[i] = ind2[j]; ind2[j] = temp; break; } } if (i >= j) break; } } while (++i < j); if (i == 0) { range = range - (mid - left); left = mid; } else if (i == groupSize) range = (mid - left); else break; } #ifdef BLOCK_SORT_EXTERNAL_FLAGS { UInt32 t = (groupOffset + i - 1); UInt32 *Flags = Groups + BlockSize; Flags[t >> kNumFlagsBits] &= ~(1 << (t & kFlagsMask)); } #endif { UInt32 j; for (j = i; j < groupSize; j++) Groups[ind2[j]] = groupOffset + i; } { UInt32 res = SortGroup(BlockSize, NumSortedBytes, groupOffset, i, NumRefBits, Indices, left, mid - left); return res | SortGroup(BlockSize, NumSortedBytes, groupOffset + i, groupSize - i, NumRefBits, Indices, mid, range - (mid - left)); } } #else /* ---------- Heap Sort ---------- */ { UInt32 j; for (j = 0; j < groupSize; j++) { UInt32 sp = ind2[j] + NumSortedBytes; if (sp >= BlockSize) sp -= BlockSize; ind2[j] = sp; } HeapSortRef(ind2, Groups, groupSize); /* Write Flags */ { UInt32 sp = ind2[0]; UInt32 group = Groups[sp]; #ifdef BLOCK_SORT_EXTERNAL_FLAGS UInt32 *Flags = Groups + BlockSize; #else UInt32 prevGroupStart = 0; #endif for (j = 1; j < groupSize; j++) { sp = ind2[j]; if (Groups[sp] != group) { group = Groups[sp]; #ifdef BLOCK_SORT_EXTERNAL_FLAGS { UInt32 t = groupOffset + j - 1; Flags[t >> kNumFlagsBits] &= ~(1 << (t & kFlagsMask)); } #else SetGroupSize(ind2 + prevGroupStart, j - prevGroupStart); prevGroupStart = j; #endif } } #ifndef BLOCK_SORT_EXTERNAL_FLAGS SetGroupSize(ind2 + prevGroupStart, j - prevGroupStart); #endif } { /* Write new Groups values and Check that there are groups */ UInt32 thereAreGroups = 0; for (j = 0; j < groupSize; j++) { UInt32 group = groupOffset + j; #ifndef BLOCK_SORT_EXTERNAL_FLAGS UInt32 subGroupSize = ((ind2[j] & ~0xC0000000) >> kNumBitsMax); if ((ind2[j] & 0x40000000) != 0) subGroupSize += ((ind2[j + 1] >> kNumBitsMax) << kNumExtra0Bits); subGroupSize++; for (;;) { UInt32 original = ind2[j]; UInt32 sp = original & kIndexMask; if (sp < NumSortedBytes) sp += BlockSize; sp -= NumSortedBytes; ind2[j] = sp | (original & ~kIndexMask); Groups[sp] = group; if (--subGroupSize == 0) break; j++; thereAreGroups = 1; } #else UInt32 *Flags = Groups + BlockSize; for (;;) { UInt32 sp = ind2[j]; if (sp < NumSortedBytes) sp += BlockSize; sp -= NumSortedBytes; ind2[j] = sp; Groups[sp] = group; if ((Flags[(groupOffset + j) >> kNumFlagsBits] & (1 << ((groupOffset + j) & kFlagsMask))) == 0) break; j++; thereAreGroups = 1; } #endif } return thereAreGroups; } } #endif } /* conditions: blockSize > 0 */ UInt32 BlockSort(UInt32 *Indices, const Byte *data, UInt32 blockSize) { UInt32 *counters = Indices + blockSize; UInt32 i; UInt32 *Groups; #ifdef BLOCK_SORT_EXTERNAL_FLAGS UInt32 *Flags; #endif /* Radix-Sort for 2 bytes */ for (i = 0; i < kNumHashValues; i++) counters[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < blockSize - 1; i++) counters[((UInt32)data[i] << 8) | data[i + 1]]++; counters[((UInt32)data[i] << 8) | data[0]]++; Groups = counters + BS_TEMP_SIZE; #ifdef BLOCK_SORT_EXTERNAL_FLAGS Flags = Groups + blockSize; { UInt32 numWords = (blockSize + kFlagsMask) >> kNumFlagsBits; for (i = 0; i < numWords; i++) Flags[i] = kAllFlags; } #endif { UInt32 sum = 0; for (i = 0; i < kNumHashValues; i++) { UInt32 groupSize = counters[i]; if (groupSize > 0) { #ifdef BLOCK_SORT_EXTERNAL_FLAGS UInt32 t = sum + groupSize - 1; Flags[t >> kNumFlagsBits] &= ~(1 << (t & kFlagsMask)); #endif sum += groupSize; } counters[i] = sum - groupSize; } for (i = 0; i < blockSize - 1; i++) Groups[i] = counters[((UInt32)data[i] << 8) | data[i + 1]]; Groups[i] = counters[((UInt32)data[i] << 8) | data[0]]; for (i = 0; i < blockSize - 1; i++) Indices[counters[((UInt32)data[i] << 8) | data[i + 1]]++] = i; Indices[counters[((UInt32)data[i] << 8) | data[0]]++] = i; #ifndef BLOCK_SORT_EXTERNAL_FLAGS { UInt32 prev = 0; for (i = 0; i < kNumHashValues; i++) { UInt32 prevGroupSize = counters[i] - prev; if (prevGroupSize == 0) continue; SetGroupSize(Indices + prev, prevGroupSize); prev = counters[i]; } } #endif } { int NumRefBits; UInt32 NumSortedBytes; for (NumRefBits = 0; ((blockSize - 1) >> NumRefBits) != 0; NumRefBits++); NumRefBits = 32 - NumRefBits; if (NumRefBits > kNumRefBitsMax) NumRefBits = kNumRefBitsMax; for (NumSortedBytes = kNumHashBytes; ; NumSortedBytes <<= 1) { #ifndef BLOCK_SORT_EXTERNAL_FLAGS UInt32 finishedGroupSize = 0; #endif UInt32 newLimit = 0; for (i = 0; i < blockSize;) { UInt32 groupSize; #ifdef BLOCK_SORT_EXTERNAL_FLAGS if ((Flags[i >> kNumFlagsBits] & (1 << (i & kFlagsMask))) == 0) { i++; continue; } for (groupSize = 1; (Flags[(i + groupSize) >> kNumFlagsBits] & (1 << ((i + groupSize) & kFlagsMask))) != 0; groupSize++); groupSize++; #else groupSize = ((Indices[i] & ~0xC0000000) >> kNumBitsMax); { Bool finishedGroup = ((Indices[i] & 0x80000000) == 0); if ((Indices[i] & 0x40000000) != 0) { groupSize += ((Indices[i + 1] >> kNumBitsMax) << kNumExtra0Bits); Indices[i + 1] &= kIndexMask; } Indices[i] &= kIndexMask; groupSize++; if (finishedGroup || groupSize == 1) { Indices[i - finishedGroupSize] &= kIndexMask; if (finishedGroupSize > 1) Indices[i - finishedGroupSize + 1] &= kIndexMask; { UInt32 newGroupSize = groupSize + finishedGroupSize; SetFinishedGroupSize(Indices + i - finishedGroupSize, newGroupSize); finishedGroupSize = newGroupSize; } i += groupSize; continue; } finishedGroupSize = 0; } #endif if (NumSortedBytes >= blockSize) { UInt32 j; for (j = 0; j < groupSize; j++) { UInt32 t = (i + j); /* Flags[t >> kNumFlagsBits] &= ~(1 << (t & kFlagsMask)); */ Groups[Indices[t]] = t; } } else if (SortGroup(blockSize, NumSortedBytes, i, groupSize, NumRefBits, Indices #ifndef BLOCK_SORT_USE_HEAP_SORT , 0, blockSize #endif ) != 0) newLimit = i + groupSize; i += groupSize; } if (newLimit == 0) break; } } #ifndef BLOCK_SORT_EXTERNAL_FLAGS for (i = 0; i < blockSize;) { UInt32 groupSize = ((Indices[i] & ~0xC0000000) >> kNumBitsMax); if ((Indices[i] & 0x40000000) != 0) { groupSize += ((Indices[i + 1] >> kNumBitsMax) << kNumExtra0Bits); Indices[i + 1] &= kIndexMask; } Indices[i] &= kIndexMask; groupSize++; i += groupSize; } #endif return Groups[0]; }