Preferences: *Preferences to be saved :DONE *Number of Threads maximun reduced to 15 or so, 30 is way to many *Someone might need them , I thought 30 was to little ;) *Preferences to oppen with General, and not Proxies :DONE Main: *Add About screen :DONE *Made downloading screens dockable in Main window? *Change taskbar name to ProzGUI or domething, not download. :DONE Prozilla - Download Accelerator *Why ALT-n and ALT-o? CTRL is used standardly for this IMHO. :DONE *Options should be called "Preferences". :DONE *Shortcut to this should be thern CTRL-p or something. :DONE Add URL: *Maybe a cooler Logo? *Choice of how many threads that 1 download should have. *Choice of whether to ftpsearch or not. :DONE Download screen: *Buttons should be changed to Cancel and Resume or something. *When one shuts screen down, and asked for resuming or cancelling, buttons should be changed from "Yes" and "No"