# JBoss 7 specific checks # ======================================================== include "common.cfg" # Please note that JBoss 7 changed (/wrt JBoss 6) completely with relation to the # internal MBean structure # Number of bytes received per minute for a connector # $0: Name of connector (e.g. 'http-8080') # $1: Critical (optional) # $2: Warning (optional) # $3: Name (optional) Use = count_per_minute("bytes received") Label = Connector $0 : $BASE Name = ${3:bytes_received} Value = jboss.as.expr:connector=$0,*/bytesReceived Critical = ${1:104857600} Warning = ${2:83886080} # Number of bytes sent per minute for a connector # $0: Name of connector (e.g. 'http-8080') # $1: Critical (optional) # $2: Warning (optional) # $3: Name (optional) Use = count_per_minute("bytes sent") Label = Connector $0 : $BASE Name = ${3:bytes_sent} Value = jboss.as.expr:connector=$0,*/bytesSent Critical = ${1:104857600} Warning = ${2:83886080} # Increase of overall processing time per minute for a connector # This checks calculates the processing time for a certain # interval and scale it to a minute # $0: Connector name # $1: Critical (optional) # $2: Warning (optional) # $3: Name (optional) Delta = 60 Label = Connector $0 : %2.0f ms request processing time / minute Name = ${3:proc_time} Value = jboss.as.expr:connector=$0,*/processingTime Critical = ${1:50000} Warning = ${2:40000} # Requests per minute for a connector # $0: Connector name # $1: Critical (optional) # $2: Warning (optional) # $3: Name (optional) Use = count_per_minute("requests") Label = Connector $0 : $BASE Name = ${3:nr_requests} Value = jboss.as.expr:connector=$0,*/requestCount Critical = ${1:1000} Warning = ${2:900} # Number of errors for a connector per minute. # $0: Connector name # $1: Critical (optional) # $2: Warning (optional) # $3: Name (optional) Value = jboss.as.expr:connector=$0,*/errorCount Label = Connector $0: %d errors Name = ${3:errors} Critical = ${1:100} Warning = ${2:90} Delta = 60 ################################################################# # Requests per minute for a servlet # $0: Web-Module name # $1: Servlet name # $2: Critical (optional) # $3: Warning (optional) # $4: Name (optional) MBean = jboss.as.expr:deployment=$0,servlet=$1,subdeployment=*,subsystem=web Use = count_per_minute("requests") Attribute = requestCount Name = ${4:request} Critical = ${2:6000} Warning = ${3:5000} # Increase of overall processing time per minute for a servlet module # This is calculate the processing time for a certain # interval and extrapolate to a minute # $0: Webmodule name # $1: Servlet name # $2: Critical (optional) # $3: Warning (optional) # $4: Name (optional) MBean = jboss.as.expr:deployment=$0,servlet=$1,subdeployment=*,subsystem=web Attribute = processingTime Delta = 60 Label = %2.0f ms request processing time / minute Name = ${3:proc_time} Critical = ${2:50000} Warning = ${3:40000} # ======================================================== # Session related checks # Number of active sessions at this moment # $0: Name of web-module # $1: Critical (optional) # $2: Warning (optional) MBean = *:deployment=$0,subsystem=web Attribute = activeSessions Name = ${3:sessions_active} Label = $0: Active Sessions = %v Critical = ${1:1000} Warning = ${2:800} # Maximum number of active sessions so far # $0: Name of web-module # $1: Critical (optional) # $2: Warning (optional) # $3: Name (optional) MBean = *:deployment=$0,subsystem=web Attribute = maxActive Name = ${3:sessions_max} Label = $0: Max-Active Sessions = %v Critical = ${1:1000} Warning = ${2:800} # Number of sessions we rejected due to maxActive beeing reached # $0: Name of web-module # $1: Critical (optional) # $2: Warning (optional) # $3: Name (optional) MBean = *:deployment=$0,subsystem=web Attribute = rejectedSessions Name = ${3:sessions_rejected} Label = $0: Rejected Sessions = %v Critical = ${1:500} Warning = ${2:200} # Average time an expired session had been alive # in seconds # $0: Name of web-module # $1: Critical (7200) # $2: Warning (7200) # $3: Name (optional) MBean = *:deployment=$0,subsystem=web Attribute = sessionAverageAliveTime Name = ${3:sessions_avg_life} Label = $0: Average session lifetime = %v Critical = ${1:7200} Warning = ${2:6400} # Longest time an expired session had been alive # in seconds # $0: Name of web-module # $1: Critical (7200) # $2: Warning (6400) # $3: Name (optional) MBean = *:deployment=$0,subsystem=web Attribute = sessionMaxAliveTime Name = ${3:sessions_max_life} Label = $0: Maximum session lifetime = %v Critical = ${1:7200} Warning = ${2:6400} # Increase rate of sessions per minute # $0: Name of web-module # $1: Critical (optional) # $2: Warning (optional) # $3: Name (optional) Use = count_per_minute("sessions") MBean = *:deployment=$0,subsystem=web Attribute = sessionCounter Name = ${3:sessions_inc} Critical = ${1:1000} Warning = ${2:900}