# Predefined checks for fetching thread statistics # from MXBeans # ================================================== include common.cfg # Check for a thread increase per minute # $0 : Critical threshold (default: 60) # $1 : Warning threshold (default: 30) Use = count_per_minute("Threads") Value = java.lang:type=Threading/ThreadCount Name = Thread-Increase Critical = ${0:~:60} Warning = ${1:~:30} # Check for monitoring the total (absolute) count of threads # active within an application # $0 : Critical threshold (default: 1000) # $1 : Warning threshold (default: 800) Value = java.lang:type=Threading/ThreadCount Name = Thread-Count Critical = ${0:1000} Warning = ${1:800} # Find deadlocked Threads MBean = java.lang:type=Threading Operation = findDeadlockedThreads Null = no deadlock Name = Thread-Deadlock String = 1 Critical = !no deadlock