# Websphere Checks # ---------------- # These checks are for WebSphere and has been tested for WebSphere >= 8.0 # (but should workd with older WebSphere servers as well). # For most of the test it is required that a customzied Jolokia agent is used # which provides simplified access to JSR-77 metrics. # # These agents can be obtained from the 'jolokia-extra' project: https://github.com/rhuss/jolokia-extra # or downloaded from Maven central: http://central.maven.org/maven2/org/jolokia/extra/ # They all have an classifier "-jsr77" and the first three parts of the version specify # the Jolokia core version included. # E.g. "jolokia-extra-war-" contains Jolokia 1.2.2 (and is the second variant with # the JSR-77 specifier) # Most of these tests utilize the PMI subsystem of WebSphere. # =============================================================== # Including various checks. These config files are self contained, # and for performance optimizations could be included separately if only # some checks are needed. include websphere/threads.cfg include websphere/http.cfg include websphere/jdbc.cfg include websphere/jms.cfg include websphere/jca.cfg include websphere/appstate.cfg