
140 lines
4.9 KiB

* HELLOWORLD.C - Example of a simple NEB module
* Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Ethan Galstad (
* Description:
* This is an example of a very basic module. It does nothing useful other
* than logging some messages to the main Nagios log file when it is initialized
* (loaded), when it is closed (unloaded), and when aggregated status updates
* occur. I would not call that too useful, but hopefully it will serve as a
* very basic example of how to write a NEB module...
* Instructions:
* Compile with the following command:
* gcc -shared -o helloworld.o helloworld.c
/* include (minimum required) event broker header files */
#include "../include/nebmodules.h"
#include "../include/nebcallbacks.h"
/* include other event broker header files that we need for our work */
#include "../include/nebstructs.h"
#include "../include/broker.h"
/* include some Nagios stuff as well */
#include "../include/config.h"
#include "../include/common.h"
#include "../include/nagios.h"
/* specify event broker API version (required) */
void *helloworld_module_handle = NULL;
void helloworld_reminder_message(char *);
int helloworld_handle_data(int, void *);
/* this function gets called when the module is loaded by the event broker */
int nebmodule_init(int flags, char *args, nebmodule *handle) {
char temp_buffer[1024];
time_t current_time;
unsigned long interval;
/* save our handle */
helloworld_module_handle = handle;
/* set some info - this is completely optional, as Nagios doesn't do anything with this data */
neb_set_module_info(helloworld_module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_TITLE, "helloworld");
neb_set_module_info(helloworld_module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_AUTHOR, "Ethan Galstad");
neb_set_module_info(helloworld_module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_TITLE, "Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Ethan Galstad");
neb_set_module_info(helloworld_module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_VERSION, "noversion");
neb_set_module_info(helloworld_module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_LICENSE, "GPL v2");
neb_set_module_info(helloworld_module_handle, NEBMODULE_MODINFO_DESC, "A simple example to get you started with Nagios Event Broker (NEB) modules.");
/* log module info to the Nagios log file */
write_to_all_logs("helloworld: Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Ethan Galstad (", NSLOG_INFO_MESSAGE);
/* log a message to the Nagios log file */
snprintf(temp_buffer, sizeof(temp_buffer) - 1, "helloworld: Hello world!\n");
temp_buffer[sizeof(temp_buffer) - 1] = '\x0';
write_to_all_logs(temp_buffer, NSLOG_INFO_MESSAGE);
/* log a reminder message every 15 minutes (how's that for annoying? :-)) */
interval = 900;
schedule_new_event(EVENT_USER_FUNCTION, TRUE, current_time + interval, TRUE, interval, NULL, TRUE, (void *)helloworld_reminder_message, "How about you?", 0);
/* register to be notified of certain events... */
neb_register_callback(NEBCALLBACK_AGGREGATED_STATUS_DATA, helloworld_module_handle, 0, helloworld_handle_data);
return 0;
/* this function gets called when the module is unloaded by the event broker */
int nebmodule_deinit(int flags, int reason) {
char temp_buffer[1024];
/* deregister for all events we previously registered for... */
neb_deregister_callback(NEBCALLBACK_AGGREGATED_STATUS_DATA, helloworld_handle_data);
/* log a message to the Nagios log file */
snprintf(temp_buffer, sizeof(temp_buffer) - 1, "helloworld: Goodbye world!\n");
temp_buffer[sizeof(temp_buffer) - 1] = '\x0';
write_to_all_logs(temp_buffer, NSLOG_INFO_MESSAGE);
return 0;
/* gets called every X minutes by an event in the scheduling queue */
void helloworld_reminder_message(char *message) {
char temp_buffer[1024];
/* log a message to the Nagios log file */
snprintf(temp_buffer, sizeof(temp_buffer) - 1, "helloworld: I'm still here! %s", message);
temp_buffer[sizeof(temp_buffer) - 1] = '\x0';
write_to_all_logs(temp_buffer, NSLOG_INFO_MESSAGE);
/* handle data from Nagios daemon */
int helloworld_handle_data(int event_type, void *data) {
nebstruct_aggregated_status_data *agsdata = NULL;
char temp_buffer[1024];
/* what type of event/data do we have? */
switch(event_type) {
/* an aggregated status data dump just started or ended... */
if((agsdata = (nebstruct_aggregated_status_data *)data)) {
/* log a message to the Nagios log file */
snprintf(temp_buffer, sizeof(temp_buffer) - 1, "helloworld: An aggregated status update just %s.", (agsdata->type == NEBTYPE_AGGREGATEDSTATUS_STARTDUMP) ? "started" : "finished");
temp_buffer[sizeof(temp_buffer) - 1] = '\x0';
write_to_all_logs(temp_buffer, NSLOG_INFO_MESSAGE);
return 0;