
27 lines
782 B

# Local Checks for extinfo.cgi
use warnings;
use strict;
use Test::More;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
chdir $Bin or die "Cannot chdir";
my $topdir = "$Bin/..";
my $cgi_dir = "$topdir/cgi";
my $extinfo_cgi = "$cgi_dir/extinfo.cgi";
my $output;
my $remote_user = "REMOTE_USER=nagiosadmin";
plan tests => 2;
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg REQUEST_METHOD=GET $remote_user $extinfo_cgi`;
like( $output, "/Process Information/", "extinfo.cgi without params show the process information" );
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg REQUEST_METHOD=GET $remote_user QUERY_STRING='&type=1&host=host1' $extinfo_cgi`;
like( $output, "/Schedule downtime for all services on this host/", "extinfo.cgi allows us to set downtime for a host and all of his services" );