arrSettings = $arrSession['SETS']; } if (isset($arrSession['domain'])) { $this->intDomainId = $arrSession['domain']; } $this->arrSession = $arrSession; } /** * Search for browser type * @return string Browser String */ public function browserCheck() { $strUserAgent = filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'HTTP_USER_AGENT', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); // Define variables $strBrowserString = 'unknown'; if (false !== stripos($strUserAgent, 'msie')) { $strBrowserString = 'msie'; } elseif (false !== stripos($strUserAgent, 'firefox')) { $strBrowserString = 'firefox'; } elseif (false !== stripos($strUserAgent, 'opera')) { $strBrowserString = 'opera'; } elseif (false !== stripos($strUserAgent, 'chrome')) { $strBrowserString = 'chrome'; } return $strBrowserString; } /** * Checks if an user has acces to an account group * @param int $intGroupId Group ID * @param string $strType Access type (read,write,link) * @return int 0 = access granted / 1 = no access */ public function checkAccountGroup($intGroupId, $strType) { // Define variables $intReturn = 0; // Admin user or member og group 0 do not need permissions if (($this->arrSession['userid'] != 1) && ($intGroupId != 0)) { // Define variables $arrDataMain = array(); // Read database values $strTypeValue = $this->getGroupValue($strType); if ($strTypeValue != '') { $strSQL = "SELECT * FROM `tbl_lnkGroupToUser` WHERE `idMaster`=$intGroupId AND ". '`idSlave`=' .$this->arrSession['userid']." AND $strTypeValue"; $booReturn = $this->myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataMain, $intDataCount); if ($booReturn == false) { $this->strErrorMessage .= $this->myDBClass->strErrorMessage; } if (($booReturn == false) || ($intDataCount == 0)) { $intReturn = 1; } } } return $intReturn; } /** * Find out the actual position inside the menu tree and returns it as an info line * @param int $intPageId Current content id * @param string $strTop Label string for the root node * @return string HTML info string */ public function getPosition($intPageId, $strTop = '') { // Define variables $arrData = array(); $intDataCount = 0; $strPosition = ''; // Read database values $strSQL = 'SELECT B.`mnuName` AS `mainitem`, B.`mnuLink` AS `mainlink`, A.`mnuName` AS `subitem`, ' . 'A.`mnuLink` AS `sublink` FROM `tbl_menu` AS A ' . 'LEFT JOIN `tbl_menu` AS B ON A.`mnuTopId` = B.`mnuId` WHERE A.`mnuId`=' .$intPageId; $booReturn = $this->myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrData, $intDataCount); if ($booReturn == false) { $this->strErrorMessage .= $this->myDBClass->strErrorMessage; } elseif ($intDataCount != 0) { $strMainLink = $this->arrSettings['path']['base_url'].$arrData[0]['mainlink']; $strMain = $arrData[0]['mainitem']; $strSubLink = $this->arrSettings['path']['base_url'].$arrData[0]['sublink']; $strSub = $arrData[0]['subitem']; if ($strTop != '') { $strPosition .= "".$strTop. ' -> '; } if ($strMain != '') { $strPosition .= "".translate($strMain)." -> ". translate($strSub). ''; } else { $strPosition .= "".translate($strSub). ''; } } return $strPosition; } /** * Returns any group ID with the requested access type * @param string $strType Access type (read,write,link) * @return string Comma separated string with group id's */ public function getAccessGroups($strType) { $strReturn = '0,'; $arrData = array(); // Admin has rights for all groups if ($this->arrSession['userid'] == 1) { $strSQL = 'SELECT `id` FROM `tbl_group`'; $booReturn = $this->myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrData, $intCount); if ($booReturn == false) { $this->strErrorMessage .= $this->myDBClass->strErrorMessage; } elseif ($intCount != 0) { foreach ($arrData as $elem) { $strReturn .= $elem['id']. ','; } } } else { $strTypeValue = $this->getGroupValue($strType); $strSQL = 'SELECT `idMaster` FROM `tbl_lnkGroupToUser` ' . 'WHERE `idSlave`=' . $this->arrSession['userid'] . " AND $strTypeValue"; $booReturn = $this->myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrData, $intCount); if ($booReturn == false) { $this->strErrorMessage .= $this->myDBClass->strErrorMessage; } elseif ($intCount != 0) { foreach ($arrData as $elem) { $strReturn .= $elem['idMaster'] . ','; } } } if (substr($strReturn, -1) == ',') { $strReturn = substr($strReturn, 0, -1); } return $strReturn; } /** * Generate the main menu HTML * @param int $intPageId Current content id * @param int $intCntId Menu group ID * @return string HTML menu string */ public function getMenu($intPageId, $intCntId = 1) { // Define variables $strQueryString = filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'QUERY_STRING', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $strPHPSelf = filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); // Modify URL for visible/invisible menu $strQuery = str_replace( array('menu=visible&', 'menu=invisible&', 'menu=visible', 'menu=invisible'), '', $strQueryString ); if ($strQuery != '') { $strVisible = str_replace('&', '&', $strPHPSelf. '?menu=visible&' .$strQuery); $strInvisible = str_replace('&', '&', $strPHPSelf. '?menu=invisible&' .$strQuery); } else { $strVisible = $strPHPSelf. '?menu=visible'; $strInvisible = $strPHPSelf. '?menu=invisible'; } $this->intPageId = $intPageId; if (!isset($this->arrSession['menu']) || ($this->arrSession['menu'] != 'invisible')) { // Menu visible $strHTML = ''."\n"; $strHTML .= ''."\n"; $this->hasMenuRecursive(0, 'menu', $intCntId, $strHTML); $strHTML .= ''."\n"; $strHTML .= '
['.translate('Hide menu').']'."\n"; $strHTML .= ''; $strHTML .= ''."\n"; } else { // Menu invisible $strHTML = ''."\n"; $strHTML .= ''.translate('Show menu').''."\n"; $strHTML .= ''."\n"; } return $strHTML; } /** * Add security features to text values * @param string $strKey Process string * @return string Modified process string */ public function tfSecure($strKey) { $strKey = stripslashes($strKey); $strKey = $this->myDBClass->realEscape($strKey); return $strKey; } /** * Build a string which contains links for additional pages. This is used in data lists * with more items then defined in settings "lines per page limit" * @param string $strSite Link to page * @param int $intDataCount Sum of all data lines * @param int $chkLimit Actual data limit * @param string $strOrderBy OrderBy Field * @param string $strOrderDir Order direction * @return string Page site number string (HTML) */ public function buildPageLinks($strSite, $intDataCount, $chkLimit, $strOrderBy = '', $strOrderDir = '') { $intMaxLines = $this->arrSettings['common']['pagelines']; $intCount = 1; $intCheck = 0; $strReturn = ''; $strSiteHTML = "\n\n\n"; } else { $strSiteHTML .= "\n"; } $intCheck = 0; } elseif ($intCheck == 0) { $strSiteHTML .= "\n"; $intCheck = 1; } $intCount++; } $strSiteHTML .= "\n
\n"; for ($i=0; $i<$intDataCount; $i += $intMaxLines) { $strLink1 = ""; $strLink2 = "onclick=\"location.href='$strSite?limit=$i&orderby=$strOrderBy&orderdir=". "$strOrderDir'\""; if ((!(($chkLimit >= ($i+($intMaxLines*5))) || ($chkLimit <= ($i-($intMaxLines*5))))) || ($i==0) || ($i>=($intDataCount-$intMaxLines))) { if ($chkLimit == $i) { $strSiteHTML .= "$intCount".$strLink1.$intCount."...
\n"; if ($intCount > 2) { $strReturn = $strSiteHTML; } return $strReturn; } /** * Builds a simple selection field inside a template * @param string $strTable Table name (source data) * @param string $strTabField Field name (source data) * @param string $strTemplKey Template key * @param int $intModeId 0=only data, 1=with empty line at the beginning, * 2=with empty line and 'null' line at the beginning * @param int $intSelId Selected data ID (from master table) * @param int $intExclId Exclude ID * @return int 0 = successful / 1 = error */ public function parseSelectSimple( $strTable, $strTabField, $strTemplKey, $intModeId = 0, $intSelId = -9, $intExclId = -9 ) { // Define variables $intOption = 0; $arrData = array(); $intReturn = 1; // Compute option value if (($strTemplKey == 'hostcommand') || ($strTemplKey == 'servicecommand')) { $intOption = 1; } if ($strTemplKey == 'eventhandler') { $intOption = 2; } if ($strTemplKey == 'service_extinfo') { $intOption = 7; } // Get version $this->myConfigClass->getDomainData('version', $intVersion); // Get raw data $booRaw = $this->getSelectRawdata($strTable, $strTabField, $arrData, $intOption); if ($booRaw == 0) { // Insert an empty line in mode 1 if (($intModeId == 1) || ($intModeId == 2)) { $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', ''); $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('DAT_'.strtoupper($strTemplKey), ' '); $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('DAT_'.strtoupper($strTemplKey).'_ID', 0); if ($intVersion < 3) { $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('VERSION_20_MUST', 'inpmust'); } $this->myContentTpl->parse($strTemplKey); } // Insert a 'null' line in mode 2 if ($intModeId == 2) { $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', ''); $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('DAT_'.strtoupper($strTemplKey), 'null'); $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('DAT_'.strtoupper($strTemplKey).'_ID', -1); if ($intVersion < 3) { $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('VERSION_20_MUST', 'inpmust'); } if ($intSelId == -1) { $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('DAT_'.strtoupper($strTemplKey). '_SEL', 'selected'); } $this->myContentTpl->parse($strTemplKey); } // Insert data sets foreach ($arrData as $elem) { $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', ''); if ($elem['key'] == $intExclId) { continue; } if (isset($elem['active']) && $elem['active'] == 0) { $strActive=' [inactive]'; $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', 'inactive_option'); } else { $strActive = ''; } if (isset($elem['config_id']) && $elem['config_id'] == 0) { $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('DAT_'.strtoupper($strTemplKey), htmlspecialchars( $elem['value'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' ).' [common]'.$strActive); } else { $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('DAT_'.strtoupper($strTemplKey), htmlspecialchars( $elem['value'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' ).$strActive); } $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('DAT_'.strtoupper($strTemplKey). '_ID', $elem['key']); if ($intVersion < 3) { $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('VERSION_20_MUST', 'inpmust'); } if ($intSelId == $elem['key']) { $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('DAT_'.strtoupper($strTemplKey). '_SEL', 'selected'); } $this->myContentTpl->parse($strTemplKey); } $intReturn = 0; } return $intReturn; } /** * Builds a multi selection field inside a template * @param string $strTable Table name (source data) * @param string $strTabField Field name (source data) * @param string $strTemplKey Template key * @param string $strLinkTable Name of link table * @param int $intModeId 0 = only data * 1 = with empty line at the beginning * 2 = with * line at the beginning * @param int $intTypeId Type ID (from master table) * @param int $intExclId Exclude ID * @param string $strRefresh Session token for refresh mode * @return int 0 = successful / 1 = error */ public function parseSelectMulti( $strTable, $strTabField, $strTemplKey, $strLinkTable, $intModeId = 0, $intTypeId = -9, $intExclId = -9, $strRefresh = '' ) { // Compute option value $intOption = 2; $intRefresh = 0; $intReturn = 1; $arrSelectedAdd = array(); $arrData = array(); $booSelAdd = false; if ($strLinkTable == 'tbl_lnkServicegroupToService') { $intOption = 3; } if ($strLinkTable == 'tbl_lnkServicedependencyToService_DS') { $intOption = 4; } if ($strLinkTable == 'tbl_lnkServicedependencyToService_S') { $intOption = 5; } if ($strLinkTable == 'tbl_lnkServiceescalationToService') { $intOption = 6; } if ($strTemplKey == 'host_services') { $intOption = 8; } if ($strTemplKey == 'service_parents') { $intOption = 9; } if (($strLinkTable == 'tbl_lnkServiceToService') || ($strLinkTable == 'tbl_lnkServicetemplateToService')) { $intOption = 10; } // Get version $this->myConfigClass->getDomainData('version', $intVersion); // Get raw data $booRaw = $this->getSelectRawdata($strTable, $strTabField, $arrData, $intOption); // Get selected data $booSel = $this->getSelectedItems($strLinkTable, $arrSelected, $intOption); // Get additional selected data if ($strLinkTable == 'tbl_lnkHostToHostgroup') { $booSelAdd = $this->getSelectedItems('tbl_lnkHostgroupToHost', $arrSelectedAdd, 8); } if ($strLinkTable == 'tbl_lnkHostgroupToHost') { $booSelAdd = $this->getSelectedItems('tbl_lnkHostToHostgroup', $arrSelectedAdd, 8); } // Get browser $strBrowser = $this->browserCheck(); // Refresh processing (replaces selection array) if ($strRefresh != '' && isset($this->arrSession['refresh']) && isset($this->arrSession['refresh'][$strRefresh]) && \is_array($this->arrSession['refresh'][$strRefresh])) { $arrSelected = $this->arrSession['refresh'][$strRefresh]; $intRefresh = 1; $booSel = 0; } if ($booRaw == 0) { $intCount = 0; // Insert an empty line in mode 1 if ($intModeId == 1) { $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', ''); $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('OPTION_DISABLED', ''); if (($strBrowser == 'msie') && ($this->arrSettings['common']['seldisable'] != 0)) { $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('OPTION_DISABLED', 'disabled="disabled"'); } $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('DAT_'.strtoupper($strTemplKey), ' '); $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('DAT_'.strtoupper($strTemplKey).'_ID', 0); if ($intVersion < 3) { $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('VERSION_20_MUST', 'inpmust'); } $this->myContentTpl->parse($strTemplKey); $intCount++; } // Insert an * line in mode 2 if ($intModeId == 2) { $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', ''); $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('OPTION_DISABLED', ''); if (($strBrowser == 'msie') && ($this->arrSettings['common']['seldisable'] != 0)) { $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('OPTION_DISABLED', 'disabled="disabled"'); } $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('DAT_'.strtoupper($strTemplKey), '*'); $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('DAT_'.strtoupper($strTemplKey).'_ID', '*'); if ($intVersion < 3) { $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('VERSION_20_MUST', 'inpmust'); } if ($intTypeId == 2) { $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('DAT_'.strtoupper($strTemplKey). '_SEL', 'selected'); } if (($intRefresh == 1) && \in_array('*', $arrSelected, true)) { $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('DAT_' .strtoupper($strTemplKey). '_SEL', 'selected'); $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('IE_' .strtoupper($strTemplKey). '_SEL', 'ieselected'); } $intCount++; $this->myContentTpl->parse($strTemplKey); } // Insert data sets foreach ($arrData as $elem) { if ($elem['key'] == $intExclId) { continue; } if (( $intOption == 10) && (strstr($elem['key'], '-', true) == $intExclId)) { continue; } if ($elem['value'] == '') { continue; } $intIsSelected = 0; $intIsExcluded = 0; $intIsForeign = 0; $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', ''); $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('OPTION_DISABLED', ''); if (($strBrowser == 'msie') && ($this->arrSettings['common']['seldisable'] != 0)) { $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('OPTION_DISABLED', 'disabled="disabled"'); } if (isset($elem['active']) && $elem['active'] == 0) { $strActive=' [inactive]'; $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', 'inactive_option'); } else { $strActive = ''; } if (isset($elem['config_id']) && $elem['config_id'] == 0) { $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('DAT_'.strtoupper($strTemplKey), htmlspecialchars( $elem['value'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' ).' [common]'.$strActive); } else { $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('DAT_'.strtoupper($strTemplKey), htmlspecialchars( $elem['value'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' ).$strActive); } $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('DAT_'.strtoupper($strTemplKey). '_ID', $elem['key']); $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('CLASS_SEL', ''); if ($intVersion < 3) { $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('VERSION_20_MUST', 'inpmust'); } if (($booSel == 0) && \in_array($elem['key'], $arrSelected, true)) { $intIsSelected = 1; } if (($booSel == 0) && \in_array($elem['value'], $arrSelected, true)) { $intIsSelected = 1; } if ($booSelAdd !== null && ($booSelAdd == 0) && \in_array($elem['key'], $arrSelectedAdd, true)) { $intIsForeign = 1; } if ($booSelAdd !== null && ($booSelAdd == 0) && \in_array($elem['value'], $arrSelectedAdd, true)) { $intIsForeign = 1; } if (($intIsForeign == 1) && ($strActive == '')) { $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('SPECIAL_STYLE', 'foreign_option'); } // Exclude rule if (($booSel == 0) && \in_array('e' . $elem['key'], $arrSelected, true)) { $intIsExcluded = 1; } if (($booSel == 0) && \in_array('e' . '::' . $elem['value'], $arrSelected, true)) { $intIsExcluded = 1; } if ($intIsExcluded == 1) { if (isset($elem['config_id']) && $elem['config_id'] == 0) { $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('DAT_'.strtoupper($strTemplKey), '!'. htmlspecialchars($elem['value'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').' [common]'.$strActive); } else { $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('DAT_'.strtoupper($strTemplKey), '!'. htmlspecialchars($elem['value'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8').$strActive); } $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('DAT_'.strtoupper($strTemplKey). '_ID', 'e'.$elem['key']); } if (($intIsSelected == 1) || ($intIsExcluded == 1)) { $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('DAT_' .strtoupper($strTemplKey). '_SEL', 'selected'); $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('IE_' .strtoupper($strTemplKey). '_SEL', 'ieselected'); } $intCount++; $this->myContentTpl->parse($strTemplKey); } if ($intCount == 0) { // Insert an empty line to create valid HTML select fields $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('DAT_'.strtoupper($strTemplKey), ' '); $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('DAT_'.strtoupper($strTemplKey).'_ID', 0); $this->myContentTpl->parse($strTemplKey); } $intReturn = 0; } else { // Insert an empty line to create valid HTML select fields $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('DAT_'.strtoupper($strTemplKey), ' '); $this->myContentTpl->setVariable('DAT_'.strtoupper($strTemplKey).'_ID', 0); $this->myContentTpl->parse($strTemplKey); } return $intReturn; } /** * Merge message strings and check for duplicate messages * @param string $strNewMessage Message to add * @param string $strOldMessage Modified message string (by reference) * @param string $strSeparate Separate string (
or \n) */ public function processMessage($strNewMessage, &$strOldMessage, $strSeparate = '
') { $strNewMessage = str_replace(array('::::', '::'), array('::', $strSeparate), $strNewMessage); if (($strOldMessage != '') && ($strNewMessage != '')) { if (substr_count($strOldMessage, $strNewMessage) == 0) { if (substr_count(substr($strOldMessage, -5), $strSeparate) == 0) { $strOldMessage .= $strSeparate.$strNewMessage; } else { $strOldMessage .= $strNewMessage; } } } else { $strOldMessage .= $strNewMessage; } } /** * Returns an SQL fragment based on group access type * @param string $strType Access type (read,write,link) * @return string SQL fragment for group selection */ private function getGroupValue($strType) { // Define variables $strTypeValue = ''; // Select SQL by type switch ($strType) { case 'read': $strTypeValue = "`read`='1'"; break; case 'write': $strTypeValue = "`write`='1'"; break; case 'link': $strTypeValue = "`link`='1'"; break; } return $strTypeValue; } /** * Recursive function to build the main menu * @param int intTopId ID of top menu point * @param string $strCSS CSS class * @param int $intCntId Menu group ID * @param string $strMenuHTML HTML menu string (by Reference) * @return bool */ private function hasMenuRecursive($intTopId, $strCSS, $intCntId, &$strMenuHTML) { // Define variables $intLevel = substr_count($strCSS, '_sub') + 1; $booReturn = false; $arrData = array(); // Define SQL $strSQL = 'SELECT mnuId, mnuName, mnuTopId, mnuLink FROM tbl_menu ' . "WHERE mnuTopId=$intTopId AND mnuCntId=$intCntId AND mnuActive <> 0 AND ". 'mnuGrpId IN (' .$this->getAccessGroups('read'). ') ORDER BY mnuOrderId'; $booRet = $this->myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrData, $intDataCount); if (($booRet != false) && ($intDataCount != 0)) { $strTemp = ''; // Menu items foreach ($arrData as $elem) { $strName = translate($elem['mnuName']); $strLink = $this->arrSettings['path']['base_url'].$elem['mnuLink']; $strTemp .= ' '."\n"; if (($elem['mnuId'] == $this->intPageId) || ($this->isMenuActive($elem['mnuId']) == true)) { $strTemp .= ' '; $strTemp .= ''.$strName.''."\n"; $booReturn = true; } else { $strTemp .= ' '; $strTemp .= ''.$strName.''."\n"; } $strTemp .= ' '."\n"; // Recursive call to get submenu items if ((($elem['mnuId'] == $this->intPageId) || ($this->isMenuActive($elem['mnuId']) == true)) && $this->hasMenuRecursive($elem['mnuId'], $strCSS . '_sub', $intCntId, $strTemp) == true) { $booReturn = true; } if ($intTopId == $this->intPageId) { $booReturn = true; } } if ($booReturn == true) { $strMenuHTML .= $strTemp; } elseif ($intLevel == 1) { $strMenuHTML .= $strTemp; } } else { $this->strErrorMessage .= $this->myDBClass->strErrorMessage; } return $booReturn; } /** * Check if menu point is selected * @param int $intMenuId Menu ID * @return bool true if active */ public function isMenuActive($intMenuId) { $booReturn = false; $arrData = array(); $strSQL = 'SELECT mnuTopId FROM tbl_menu WHERE mnuId=' .$this->intPageId. ' AND mnuActive <> 0 ' . 'AND mnuGrpId IN (' .$this->getAccessGroups('read'). ')'; $booRet = $this->myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrData, $intDataCount); if (($booRet != false) && ($intDataCount != 0)) { foreach ($arrData as $elem) { if ($elem['mnuTopId'] == $intMenuId) { $booReturn = true; } } } else { $this->strErrorMessage .= $this->myDBClass->strErrorMessage; } return $booReturn; } /** * Get raw table data * @param string $strTable Data table name * @param string $strTabField Data field name * @param array $arrData Raw data array (by reference) * @param int $intOption Option value * @return int 0 = successful / 1 = error */ public function getSelectRawdata($strTable, $strTabField, &$arrData, $intOption = 0) { // Define variables $arrDataRaw = array(); $intDataCount = 0; $intReturn = 0; // Get link rights $strAccess = $this->getAccessGroups('link'); // Common domain is enabled? $this->myConfigClass->getDomainData('enable_common', $intCommonEnable); if ($intCommonEnable == 1) { $strDomainWhere1 = ' (`config_id`=' .$this->intDomainId. ' OR `config_id`=0) '; $strDomainWhere2 = ' (`tbl_service`.`config_id`=' .$this->intDomainId. ' OR `tbl_service`.`config_id`=0) '; } else { $strDomainWhere1 = ' `config_id`=' .$this->intDomainId. ' '; $strDomainWhere2 = ' `tbl_service`.`config_id`=' .$this->intDomainId. ' '; } // Define SQL commands if ($strTable == 'tbl_group') { $strSQL = $this->getRawDataSQLGroup($strTabField); } elseif (($strTable == 'tbl_configtarget') || ($strTable == 'tbl_datadomain') || ($strTable == 'tbl_language')) { $strSQL = $this->getRawDataSQLDomain($strTable, $strTabField); } elseif ($strTable == 'tbl_command') { $strSQL = $this->getRawDataSQLCommand($strTabField, $strDomainWhere1, $strAccess, $intOption); } elseif (($strTable == 'tbl_timeperiod') && ($strTabField == 'name')) { $strSQL = $this->getRawDataSQLTimeperiod($strDomainWhere1, $strAccess); } elseif (($strTable == 'tbl_service') && ($intOption == 3)) { $strSQL = $this->getRawDataSQLService3($strDomainWhere2, $strAccess); } elseif (($strTable == 'tbl_service') && (($intOption == 4) || ($intOption == 5) || ($intOption == 6))) { $strSQL = $this->getRawDataSQLService456($strTabField, $intOption, $strDomainWhere1, $strAccess); } elseif (($strTable == 'tbl_service') && ($intOption == 7)) { if (isset($this->arrSession['refresh']) && isset($this->arrSession['refresh']['se_host'])) { $intHostId = $this->arrSession['refresh']['se_host']; $strSQL = $this->getRawDataSQLService7($strTabField, $strDomainWhere1, $intHostId, $strAccess); } else { $strSQL = ''; } } elseif ((($strTable == 'tbl_service') || ($strTable == 'tbl_servicetemplate')) && (($intOption == 8) || ($intOption == 9))) { // Service selection inside Host definition $strSQL = $this->getRawDataSQLService89($strDomainWhere1, $strAccess); } elseif ((($strTable == 'tbl_service') || ($strTable == 'tbl_servicetemplate')) && ($intOption == 10)) { // Service selection inside Host definition $strSQL = $this->getRawDataSQLService10($strDomainWhere2, $strAccess); } else { // Common statement $strSQL = $this->getRawDataSQLCommon($strTable, $strTabField, $strDomainWhere1, $strAccess); } // Process data if ($strSQL != '') { $booReturn = $this->myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataRaw, $intDataCount); if ($booReturn == false) { $this->strErrorMessage .= $this->myDBClass->strErrorMessage; $intReturn = 1; } } if ($strTable == 'tbl_group') { $arrTemp = array(); $arrTemp['key'] = 0; $arrTemp['value'] = translate('Unrestricted access'); $arrData[] = $arrTemp; } if (($intReturn == 0) && ($intDataCount != 0)) { foreach ($arrDataRaw as $elem) { $arrData[] = $elem; } } elseif ($strTable != 'tbl_group') { $arrData = array('key' => 0, 'value' => 'no data'); $intReturn = 1; } return $intReturn; } /** * Inserts the domain list to the list view template (host and services only) * @param \HTML_Template_IT $resTemplate Template object */ public function insertDomainList($resTemplate) { $arrDataDomain = array(); $strSQL = "SELECT * FROM `tbl_datadomain` WHERE `active` <> '0' ORDER BY `domain`"; $booReturn = $this->myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataDomain, $intDataCount); if ($booReturn && ($intDataCount != 0)) { foreach ($arrDataDomain as $elem) { // Check access rights if ($this->checkAccountGroup($elem['access_group'], 'read') == 0) { $resTemplate->setVariable('DOMAIN_ID', $elem['id']); $resTemplate->setVariable('DOMAIN_NAME', $elem['domain']); if ($this->arrSession['domain'] == $elem['id']) { $resTemplate->setVariable('DOMAIN_SEL', 'selected'); } $resTemplate->parse('domainlist'); } } } elseif (!$booReturn) { $this->strErrorMessage .= translate('Error while selecting data from database:'). '::' .$this->myDBClass->strErrorMessage; } } /** * Adds a "/" after a parh string and replaces double "//" with "/" * @param string $strPath Path string * @return string Modified path string */ public function addSlash($strPath) { if ($strPath == '') { return ''; } $strPath .= '/'; while (substr_count($strPath, '//') != 0) { $strPath = str_replace('//', '/', $strPath); } return $strPath; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Process "null" values /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Replaces "NULL" with -1 // // Parameters: $strKey Process string // // Return value: Modified process string // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Replaces "NULL" with -1 * @param string $strKey Process string * @return string Modified process string */ public function checkNull($strKey) { $strReturn = $strKey; if (strtoupper($strKey) == 'NULL') { $strReturn = -1; } return $strReturn; } // PRIVATE functions /** * Define SQL commands for group table * @param string $strTabField Table field * @return string SQL Statement */ private function getRawDataSQLGroup($strTabField) { $strSQL = 'SELECT `id` AS `key`, `' . $strTabField . '` AS `value`, `active` ' . "FROM `tbl_group` WHERE `active`='1' AND `" . $strTabField . "` <> '' ". 'AND `' . $strTabField . '` IS NOT NULL ORDER BY `' . $strTabField . '`'; return $strSQL; } /** * Define SQL commands for configtarget, datadomain and language table * @param string $strTable Table name * @param string $strTabField Table field * @return string SQL Statement */ private function getRawDataSQLDomain($strTable, $strTabField) { $strSQL = 'SELECT `id` AS `key`, `' . $strTabField . '` AS `value`, `active` ' . 'FROM `' . $strTable . '` WHERE `' . $strTabField . "` <> '' AND `" . $strTabField . '` IS NOT NULL ORDER BY `' . $strTabField . '`'; return $strSQL; } /** * Define SQL commands for command table * @param string $strTabField Table field * @param string $strDomainWhere1 WHERE SQL domain part * @param string $strAccess Access groups * @param int $intOption Command type option * @return string SQL Statement */ private function getRawDataSQLCommand($strTabField, $strDomainWhere1, $strAccess, $intOption) { $strSQL = 'SELECT `id` AS `key`, `' . $strTabField . '` AS `value`, `config_id`, `active` ' . "FROM `tbl_command` WHERE $strDomainWhere1 AND `" . $strTabField . "` <> '' AND `" . $strTabField . "` IS NOT NULL AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess) AND (`command_type` = 0 ". 'OR `command_type` = ' . $intOption . ') ORDER BY `' . $strTabField . '`'; return $strSQL; } /** * Define SQL commands for timeperiod table * @param string $strDomainWhere1 WHERE SQL domain part * @param string $strAccess Access groups * @return string SQL Statement */ private function getRawDataSQLTimeperiod($strDomainWhere1, $strAccess) { $strSQL = 'SELECT `id` AS `key`, `name` AS `value`, `config_id`, `active` ' . "FROM `tbl_timeperiod` WHERE $strDomainWhere1 AND `name` <> '' AND `name` IS NOT NULL ". "AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess) ORDER BY value"; return $strSQL; } /** * Define SQL commands for service table * @param string $strDomainWhere2 WHERE SQL domain part * @param string $strAccess Access groups * @return string SQL Statement */ private function getRawDataSQLService3($strDomainWhere2, $strAccess) { $strSQLPart1 = "WHERE $strDomainWhere2 AND `tbl_service`.`service_description` <> '' " . 'AND `tbl_service`.`service_description` IS NOT NULL AND `tbl_service`.`hostgroup_name` <> 0 ' . "AND `tbl_service`.`access_group` IN ($strAccess) "; $strSQL = "SELECT CONCAT_WS('::',`tbl_host`.`id`,'0',`tbl_service`.`id`) AS `key`, " . "CONCAT('H:',`tbl_host`.`host_name`,',',`tbl_service`.`service_description`) AS `value`, " . '`tbl_service`.`active` FROM `tbl_service` ' . 'LEFT JOIN `tbl_lnkServiceToHost` ON `tbl_service`.`id` = `tbl_lnkServiceToHost`.`idMaster` ' . 'LEFT JOIN `tbl_host` ON `tbl_lnkServiceToHost`.`idSlave` = `tbl_host`.`id` ' . str_replace('hostgroup_name', 'host_name', $strSQLPart1) . 'UNION ' . "SELECT CONCAT_WS('::','0',`tbl_hostgroup`.`id`,`tbl_service`.`id`) AS `key`, " . "CONCAT('HG:',`tbl_hostgroup`.`hostgroup_name`,',',`tbl_service`.`service_description`) " . 'AS `value`, `tbl_service`.`active` FROM `tbl_service` ' . 'LEFT JOIN `tbl_lnkServiceToHostgroup` ON `tbl_service`.`id`=`tbl_lnkServiceToHostgroup`.`idMaster`' . 'LEFT JOIN `tbl_hostgroup` ON `tbl_lnkServiceToHostgroup`.`idSlave` = `tbl_hostgroup`.`id` ' . $strSQLPart1 . 'UNION ' . "SELECT CONCAT_WS('::',`tbl_host`.`id`,'0',`tbl_service`.`id`) AS `key`, " . "CONCAT('HHG:',`tbl_host`.`host_name`,',',`tbl_service`.`service_description`) AS `value`, " . '`tbl_service`.`active` FROM `tbl_service` ' . 'LEFT JOIN `tbl_lnkServiceToHostgroup` ON `tbl_service`.`id`=`tbl_lnkServiceToHostgroup`.`idMaster`' . 'LEFT JOIN `tbl_lnkHostgroupToHost` ON `tbl_lnkHostgroupToHost`.`idMaster` = ' . '`tbl_lnkServiceToHostgroup`.`idSlave` ' . 'LEFT JOIN `tbl_host` ON `tbl_lnkHostgroupToHost`.`idSlave` = `tbl_host`.`id` ' . $strSQLPart1 . 'UNION ' . "SELECT CONCAT_WS('::',`tbl_host`.`id`,'0',`tbl_service`.`id`) AS `key`, " . "CONCAT('HGH:',`tbl_host`.`host_name`,',',`tbl_service`.`service_description`) AS `value`, " . '`tbl_service`.`active` FROM `tbl_service` ' . 'LEFT JOIN `tbl_lnkServiceToHostgroup` ON `tbl_service`.`id`=`tbl_lnkServiceToHostgroup`.`idMaster` ' . 'LEFT JOIN `tbl_lnkHostToHostgroup` ON `tbl_lnkHostToHostgroup`.`idSlave` = ' . '`tbl_lnkServiceToHostgroup`.`idSlave` ' . 'LEFT JOIN `tbl_host` ON `tbl_lnkHostToHostgroup`.`idMaster` = `tbl_host`.`id` ' . $strSQLPart1 . 'ORDER BY value'; return $strSQL; } /** * Define SQL commands for service table * @param string $strDomainWhere1 WHERE SQL domain part * @param string $elem Host array * @param string $strAccess Access groups * @return string SQL Statement */ private function getRawDataSQLService4($strDomainWhere1, $elem, $strAccess) { $strSQL = 'SELECT `id`, `service_description` FROM `tbl_service` ' . 'LEFT JOIN `tbl_lnkServiceToHost` ON `tbl_service`.`id` = `tbl_lnkServiceToHost`.`idMaster` ' . "WHERE $strDomainWhere1 AND `tbl_lnkServiceToHost`.`idSlave` = $elem AND `service_description`<>'' ". "AND `service_description` IS NOT NULL AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess) " . 'UNION ' . 'SELECT `id`, `service_description` FROM `tbl_service` ' . 'LEFT JOIN `tbl_lnkServiceToHostgroup` ON `tbl_service`.`id`=`tbl_lnkServiceToHostgroup`.`idMaster` ' . 'LEFT JOIN `tbl_lnkHostToHostgroup` ON `tbl_lnkServiceToHostgroup`.`idSlave` = ' . '`tbl_lnkHostToHostgroup`.`idSlave` ' . "WHERE $strDomainWhere1 AND `tbl_lnkHostToHostgroup`.`idMaster`=$elem AND `service_description`<>'' ". " AND `service_description` IS NOT NULL AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess) ". 'UNION ' . 'SELECT `id`, `service_description` FROM `tbl_service` ' . 'LEFT JOIN `tbl_lnkServiceToHostgroup` ON `tbl_service`.`id`=`tbl_lnkServiceToHostgroup`.`idMaster` ' . 'LEFT JOIN `tbl_lnkHostgroupToHost` ON `tbl_lnkServiceToHostgroup`.`idSlave` = ' . '`tbl_lnkHostgroupToHost`.`idMaster` ' . "WHERE $strDomainWhere1 AND `tbl_lnkHostgroupToHost`.`idSlave`=$elem AND `service_description`<>'' ". "AND `service_description` IS NOT NULL AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"; return $strSQL; } /** * Define SQL commands for service table * @param string $strDomainWhere1 WHERE SQL domain part * @param string $elem Hostgroup array * @param string $strAccess Access groups * @return string SQL Statement */ private function getRawDataSQLService5($strDomainWhere1, $elem, $strAccess) { $strSQL = 'SELECT `id`, `service_description` FROM `tbl_service` ' . 'LEFT JOIN `tbl_lnkServiceToHostgroup` ON `tbl_service`.`id`=`tbl_lnkServiceToHostgroup`.`idMaster` ' . "WHERE $strDomainWhere1 AND `tbl_lnkServiceToHostgroup`.`idSlave` = $elem ". "AND `service_description` <> '' AND `service_description` IS NOT NULL AND `access_group` ". "IN ($strAccess)"; return $strSQL; } /** * Define SQL commands for service table * @param string $strTabField Table field * @param string $strWhere WHERE SQL domain part * @param string $strServices Comma separated list of services * @param string $strServicesId Comma separated list of services IDs * @param string $strAccess Access groups * @return string SQL Statement */ private function getRawDataSQLService6($strTabField, $strWhere, $strServices, $strServicesId, $strAccess) { $strSQL = 'SELECT `id` AS `key`, `' . $strTabField . '` AS `value`, `active` FROM `tbl_service` ' . 'LEFT JOIN `tbl_lnkServiceToHost` ON `tbl_service`.`id` = `tbl_lnkServiceToHost`.`idMaster` ' . "WHERE $strWhere AND `tbl_service`.`service_description` IN ($strServices) ". "AND `tbl_service`.`id` IN ($strServicesId) AND `" . $strTabField . "` <> '' AND `" . $strTabField . "` IS NOT NULL AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess) GROUP BY `value` ". 'UNION ' . 'SELECT `id` AS `key`, `' . $strTabField . '` AS `value`, `active` FROM `tbl_service` ' . 'LEFT JOIN `tbl_lnkServiceToHostgroup` ON `tbl_service`.`id`=`tbl_lnkServiceToHostgroup`.`idMaster` ' . "WHERE $strWhere AND `tbl_service`.`service_description` IN ($strServices) ". "AND `tbl_service`.`id` IN ($strServicesId) AND `" . $strTabField . "` <> '' AND `" . $strTabField . "` IS NOT NULL AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess) GROUP BY `value` ". 'UNION ' . 'SELECT `id` AS `key`, `' . $strTabField . '` AS `value`, `active` FROM `tbl_service` ' . "WHERE $strWhere AND `host_name`=2 OR `hostgroup_name`=2 AND `" . $strTabField . "` <> '' ". 'AND `' . $strTabField . "` IS NOT NULL AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess) ". 'GROUP BY `value` ORDER BY `value`'; return $strSQL; } /** * Define SQL commands for service table * @param string $strTabField Table field * @param string $strDomainWhere1 WHERE SQL domain part * @param int $intHostId Host ID * @param string $strAccess Access groups * @return string SQL Statement */ private function getRawDataSQLService7($strTabField, $strDomainWhere1, $intHostId, $strAccess) { $strSQL = 'SELECT `tbl_service`.`id` AS `key`, `tbl_service`.`' . $strTabField . '` AS `value`, ' . '`tbl_service`.`active` FROM `tbl_service` ' . 'LEFT JOIN `tbl_lnkServiceToHost` ON `tbl_service`.`id` = `tbl_lnkServiceToHost`.`idMaster` ' . "WHERE $strDomainWhere1 AND `tbl_lnkServiceToHost`.`idSlave` = $intHostId AND `" . $strTabField . "` <> '' AND `" . $strTabField . "` IS NOT NULL AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess) ". 'ORDER BY `' . $strTabField . '`'; return $strSQL; } /** * Define SQL commands for service table * @param string $strDomainWhere1 WHERE SQL domain part * @param string $strAccess Access groups * @return string SQL Statement */ private function getRawDataSQLService89($strDomainWhere1, $strAccess) { $strSQL = "SELECT `tbl_service`.`id` AS `key`, CONCAT(`tbl_service`.`config_name`, ' - ', ". '`tbl_service`.`service_description`) AS `value`, `active` ' . "FROM `tbl_service` WHERE $strDomainWhere1 AND `tbl_service`.`config_name` <> '' ". "AND `tbl_service`.`config_name` IS NOT NULL AND `tbl_service`.`service_description` <> '' ". "AND `tbl_service`.`service_description` IS NOT NULL AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess) ". 'ORDER BY `value`'; return $strSQL; } /** * Define SQL commands for service table * @param string $strDomainWhere2 WHERE SQL domain part for services * @param string $strAccess Access groups * @return string SQL Statement */ private function getRawDataSQLService10($strDomainWhere2, $strAccess) { $strSQL = 'SELECT CONCAT(, "-", AS `key`, CONCAT(tbl_host.host_name, " - ", ' . 'tbl_service.service_description) AS `value`, ' . 'FROM tbl_service ' . 'LEFT JOIN tbl_lnkServiceToHost ON ' . 'LEFT JOIN tbl_host ON ' . 'WHERE '.$strDomainWhere2.' AND tbl_service.service_description <> "" ' . 'AND tbl_service.service_description IS NOT NULL AND tbl_host.host_name IS NOT NULL ' . 'AND tbl_service.access_group IN ('.$strAccess.') ' . 'UNION ' . 'SELECT CONCAT(, "-", AS `key`, CONCAT(tbl_host.host_name, " - ", ' . 'tbl_service.service_description) AS `value`, ' . 'FROM tbl_service ' . 'LEFT JOIN tbl_lnkServiceToHostgroup ON ' . 'LEFT JOIN tbl_lnkHostgroupToHost ON tbl_lnkServiceToHostgroup.idSlave = ' . 'tbl_lnkHostgroupToHost.idMaster ' . 'LEFT JOIN tbl_host ON ' . 'WHERE '.$strDomainWhere2.' AND tbl_service.service_description <> "" ' . 'AND tbl_service.service_description IS NOT NULL AND tbl_host.host_name IS NOT NULL ' . 'AND tbl_service.access_group IN ('.$strAccess.') ' . 'ORDER BY `value`'; return $strSQL; } /** * Define SQL commands for common tables * @param string $strTable Table name * @param string $strTabField Table field * @param string $strDomainWhere1 WHERE SQL domain part * @param string $strAccess Access groups * @return string SQL Statement */ private function getRawDataSQLCommon($strTable, $strTabField, $strDomainWhere1, $strAccess) { $strSQL = 'SELECT `id` AS `key`, `' . $strTabField . '` AS `value`, `config_id`, `active` ' . 'FROM `' . $strTable . "` WHERE $strDomainWhere1 AND `" . $strTabField . "` <> '' ". 'AND `' . $strTabField . "` IS NOT NULL AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess) ". 'ORDER BY `' . $strTabField . '`'; return $strSQL; } /** * Define SQL commands for service table * @param string $strTabField Table field * @param int $intOption Option ID * @param string $strDomainWhere1 WHERE SQL domain part * @param string $strAccess Access groups * @return string SQL Statement */ private function getRawDataSQLService456($strTabField, $intOption, $strDomainWhere1, $strAccess) { // Define variables if ($intOption == 6) { $strHostVar = 'se_host'; $strHostGroupVar = 'se_hostgroup'; } elseif ($intOption == 4) { $strHostVar = 'sd_dependent_host'; $strHostGroupVar = 'sd_dependent_hostgroup'; } else { $strHostVar = 'sd_host'; $strHostGroupVar = 'sd_hostgroup'; } if (!isset($this->arrSession['refresh'])) { $this->arrSession['refresh'] = array(); } $arrHosts = array(); $arrHostgroups = array(); $arrServices = array(); $arrDataHost = array(); $arrDataTmp = array(); $arrHostTemp = array(); $arrHostgroupTemp = array(); $arrServicesId = array(); $intDCHost = 0; $intDataTmp = 0; // Refresh mode - fill arrays if (isset($this->arrSession['refresh'][$strHostVar]) && \is_array($this->arrSession['refresh'][$strHostVar])) { $arrHosts = $this->arrSession['refresh'][$strHostVar]; } else { if ($intOption == 4) { $strSQL = 'SELECT `idSlave` FROM `tbl_lnkServicedependencyToHost_DH` ' . 'WHERE `idMaster`=' . $this->intDataId; } elseif ($intOption == 6) { $strSQL = 'SELECT `idSlave` FROM `tbl_lnkServiceescalationToHost` ' . 'WHERE `idMaster`=' . $this->intDataId; } else { $strSQL = 'SELECT `idSlave` FROM `tbl_lnkServicedependencyToHost_H` ' . 'WHERE `idMaster`=' .$this->intDataId; } $booReturn = $this->myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataHost, $intDCHost); if ($booReturn == false) { $this->strErrorMessage .= $this->myDBClass->strErrorMessage; } elseif ($intDCHost != 0) { $arrHostTemp = array(); foreach ($arrDataHost as $elem) { $arrHostTemp[] = $elem['idSlave']; } $arrHosts = $arrHostTemp; } } if (isset($this->arrSession['refresh'][$strHostGroupVar]) && \is_array($this->arrSession['refresh'][$strHostGroupVar])) { $arrHostgroups = $this->arrSession['refresh'][$strHostGroupVar]; } else { if ($intOption == 4) { $strSQL = 'SELECT `idSlave` FROM `tbl_lnkServicedependencyToHostgroup_DH` ' . 'WHERE `idMaster`=' .$this->intDataId; } elseif ($intOption == 6) { $strSQL = 'SELECT `idSlave` FROM `tbl_lnkServiceescalationToHostgroup` ' . 'WHERE `idMaster`=' . $this->intDataId; } else { $strSQL = 'SELECT `idSlave` FROM `tbl_lnkServicedependencyToHostgroup_H` ' . 'WHERE `idMaster`=' .$this->intDataId; } $booReturn = $this->myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataHost, $intDCHost); if ($booReturn == false) { $this->strErrorMessage .= $this->myDBClass->strErrorMessage; } elseif ($intDCHost != 0) { $arrHostgroupTemp = array(); foreach ($arrDataHost as $elem) { $arrHostgroupTemp[] = $elem['idSlave']; } $arrHostgroups = $arrHostgroupTemp; } } if (\is_array($arrHosts) && (\count($arrHosts) == 1) && $arrHosts[0] == '') { $arrHosts = array(); } if (\is_array($arrHostgroups) && (\count($arrHostgroups) == 1) && $arrHostgroups[0] == '') { $arrHostgroups = array(); } if (\in_array('*', $arrHosts, true)) { $strSQL = "SELECT id FROM tbl_host WHERE $strDomainWhere1 AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess)"; $booReturn = $this->myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataHost, $intDCHost); if ($booReturn == false) { $this->strErrorMessage .= $this->myDBClass->strErrorMessage; } if ($booReturn && ($intDCHost != 0)) { $arrHostTemp = array(); foreach ($arrDataHost as $elem) { if (\in_array('e' . $elem['id'], $this->arrSession['refresh'][$strHostVar], true)) { continue; } $arrHostTemp[] = $elem['id']; } } $strHosts = 1; $arrHosts = $arrHostTemp; } else { $strHosts = \count($arrHosts) + 0; } // * Value in host groups -> disabled in NagiosQL 3.2 if (\in_array('*', $arrHostgroups, true)) { $strSQL = "SELECT id FROM tbl_hostgroup WHERE $strDomainWhere1 AND `access_group` " . "IN ($strAccess)"; $booReturn = $this->myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrDataHost, $intDCHost); if ($booReturn == false) { $this->strErrorMessage .= $this->myDBClass->strErrorMessage; } if ($booReturn && ($intDCHost != 0)) { $arrHostgroupTemp = array(); foreach ($arrDataHost as $elem) { if (\in_array('e' . $elem['id'], $this->arrSession['refresh'][$strHostGroupVar], true)) { continue; } $arrHostgroupTemp[] = $elem['id']; } } $strHostsGroup = 1; $arrHostgroups = $arrHostgroupTemp; } else { $strHostsGroup = \count($arrHostgroups) + 0; } // Special method - only host_name or hostgroup_name selected if (($strHostVar == 'sd_dependent_host') && ($strHosts == 0) && ($strHostsGroup == 0)) { if (\is_array($this->arrSession['refresh']['sd_host'])) { $arrHosts = $this->arrSession['refresh']['sd_host']; } if (\is_array($this->arrSession['refresh']['sd_hostgroup'])) { $arrHostgroups = $this->arrSession['refresh']['sd_hostgroup']; } if ((\count($arrHosts) == 1) && $arrHosts[0] == '') { $arrHosts = array(); } if ((\count($arrHostgroups) == 1) && $arrHostgroups[0] == '') { $arrHostgroups = array(); } $strHosts = \count($arrHosts) + 0; $strHostsGroup = \count($arrHostgroups) + 0; } // If no hosts and hostgroups are selected show any service if (($strHosts == 0) && ($strHostsGroup == 0)) { $strSQL = 'SELECT `id` AS `key`, `' . $strTabField . '` AS `value`, `active` FROM `tbl_service` ' . "WHERE $strDomainWhere1 AND `" . $strTabField . "` <> '' AND `" . $strTabField . '` ' . "IS NOT NULL AND `access_group` IN ($strAccess) GROUP BY `value` ORDER BY `value`"; } else { if ($strHosts != 0) { $intCounter = 0; foreach ($arrHosts as $elem) { if (($intCounter != 0) && (\count($arrServices) == 0)) { continue; } $arrTempServ = array(); $arrTempServId = array(); $elem = str_replace('e', '', $elem); $strSQLTmp = $this->getRawDataSQLService4($strDomainWhere1, $elem, $strAccess); $booReturn = $this->myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQLTmp, $arrDataTmp, $intDataTmp); if ($booReturn && ($intDataTmp != 0)) { foreach ($arrDataTmp as $elem2) { if ($intCounter == 0) { $arrTempServ[] = $elem2['service_description']; $arrTempServId[] = $elem2['id']; } elseif (\in_array($elem2['service_description'], $arrServices, true) && !\in_array($elem2['service_description'], $arrTempServ, true)) { $arrTempServ[] = $elem2['service_description']; $arrTempServId[] = $elem2['id']; } } } $arrServices = $arrTempServ; $arrServicesId = $arrTempServId; $intCounter++; } } if ($strHostsGroup != 0) { $intCounter = 0; foreach ($arrHostgroups as $elem) { if (($intCounter != 0) && (\count($arrServices) == 0)) { continue; } $arrTempServ = array(); $arrTempServId = array(); $elem = str_replace('e', '', $elem); $strSQLTmp = $this->getRawDataSQLService5($strDomainWhere1, $elem, $strAccess); $booReturn = $this->myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQLTmp, $arrDataTmp, $intDataTmp); if ($booReturn && ($intDataTmp != 0)) { foreach ($arrDataTmp as $elem2) { if ($intCounter == 0) { $arrTempServ[] = $elem2['service_description']; $arrTempServId[] = $elem2['id']; } elseif (\in_array($elem2['service_description'], $arrServices, true) && !\in_array($elem2['service_description'], $arrTempServ, true)) { $arrTempServ[] = $elem2['service_description']; $arrTempServId[] = $elem2['id']; } } } $arrServices = $arrTempServ; $arrServicesId = $arrTempServId; $intCounter++; } } if (\count($arrServices) != 0) { $strServices = "'" . implode("','", $arrServices) . "'"; $strServicesId = implode(',', $arrServicesId); $strSQL = $this->getRawDataSQLService6( $strTabField, $strDomainWhere1, $strServices, $strServicesId, $strAccess ); } else { $strSQL = ''; } } return $strSQL; } /** * Get selected data * @param string $strLinkTable Link table name * @param array $arrSelect Result data array * @param int $intOption Option parameter * @return int 0 = successful / 1 = error */ private function getSelectedItems($strLinkTable, &$arrSelect, $intOption = 0) { // Define variables $arrSelectedRaw = array(); $intDataCount = 0; $intReturn = 1; // Define SQL commands if ($intOption == 8) { $strSQL = 'SELECT * FROM `' .$strLinkTable. '` WHERE `idSlave`=' .$this->intDataId; } else { $strSQL = 'SELECT * FROM `' .$strLinkTable. '` WHERE `idMaster`=' .$this->intDataId; } // Process data $booReturn = $this->myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrSelectedRaw, $intDataCount); if ($booReturn == false) { $this->strErrorMessage .= $this->myDBClass->strErrorMessage; } if ($booReturn && ($intDataCount != 0)) { foreach ($arrSelectedRaw as $elem) { // Multi tables if ($strLinkTable == 'tbl_lnkServicegroupToService') { if (isset($elem['exclude']) && ($elem['exclude'] == 1)) { $arrSelect[] = 'e' .$elem['idSlaveH']. '::' .$elem['idSlaveHG']. '::' .$elem['idSlaveS']; } else { $arrSelect[] = $elem['idSlaveH']. '::' .$elem['idSlaveHG']. '::' .$elem['idSlaveS']; } // Servicedependencies and -escalations } elseif (($strLinkTable == 'tbl_lnkServicedependencyToService_DS') || ($strLinkTable == 'tbl_lnkServicedependencyToService_S') || ($strLinkTable == 'tbl_lnkServiceescalationToService')) { if (isset($elem['exclude']) && ($elem['exclude'] == 1)) { $arrSelect[] = 'e::' .$elem['strSlave']; } else { $arrSelect[] = $elem['strSlave']; } // Service parents } elseif (($strLinkTable == 'tbl_lnkServiceToService') || ($strLinkTable == 'tbl_lnkServicetemplateToService')) { $arrSelect[] = $elem['idSlave'].'-'.$elem['idHost']; // Standard tables } else { if ($intOption == 8) { if (isset($elem['exclude']) && ($elem['exclude'] == 1)) { $arrSelect[] = 'e' .$elem['idMaster']; } else { $arrSelect[] = $elem['idMaster']; } } else { if (isset($elem['exclude']) && ($elem['exclude'] == 1)) { $arrSelect[] = 'e' .$elem['idSlave']; } else { $arrSelect[] = $elem['idSlave']; } } } } $intReturn = 0; } return $intReturn; } }