@echo off TITLE W32 STUNNEL ::pdelaage 20101026: for use with MS VCexpress 2008 (v9) ::some trick to avoid re-pollution of env vars as much as possible :: In multitarget compilation environment, it is better to open a new cmd.exe window :: to avoid pollution of PATH from, eg, some previous WCE compilation attempts. set NEWTGTCPU=W32 rem Adjust MS VC env vars rem --------------------- rem Check MSenv vars against our ref values set isenvok=0 if NOT DEFINED TARGETCPU set TARGETCPU=XXXXX if "%NEWTGTCPU%"=="%TARGETCPU%" set /A "isenvok+=1" if %isenvok%==1 echo W32 ENVIRONMENT OK if %isenvok%==1 goto envisok :: useless since separated tgt folders ::echo W32 TARGET CPU changed, destroying every obj files ::del .\*.obj :: if env is NOT ok, adjust MS VC env vars to be used by MS VC :: (this is to avoid repetitive pollution of PATH) echo W32 ENVIRONMENT ADJUSTED :: reset of INCLUDE needed because of accumulation of includes in vcvars32 set INCLUDE= call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\bin\vcvars32.bat" set TARGETCPU=%NEWTGTCPU% :envisok rem make everything rem --------------- nmake.exe -f vc.mak %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9