This is a port of Mars_nwe, a free NetWare(tm) emulator for Linux and UnixWare to FreeBSD. An original program was written by Martin Stover, Marburg, Germany. Port to FreeBSD was made by Boris Popov ( Notes given below related only to FreeBSD. For full description of Mars_nwe, please read README file. Additional info about IPX on FreeBSD available at 1. Kernel configuration To enable kernel support for IPX protocol you must include "options IPX" keyword and rebuild kernel. If you are running FreeBSD 3.x or 2.2.8, please download patched versions for IPX stack and IPXrouted frow above URL. These changes already commited in to -current branch. 2. Interface configuration If it's first NCP server in your network you can select any network number for ethernet interface. If not, take it from Netware server configuration. Network number must be the same as assigned to Ethernet_II frame. After net number is selected you can configure interface: ifconfig ed0 ipx 0x101 If FreeBSD machine have a two network cards you must choose different network numbers for each card. Also select an unqiue number for internal net and configure it as follows: ifconfig lo0 ipx 0xbebe.1 Note, that you should set host number to 1. 3. Running IPXrouted FreeBSD have its own SAP/RIP daemon which must be run before Mars_nwe and after interface configuration. IPXrouted must be running with switch '-s'. Please use only patched version of IPXrouted if you are run 2.2.8 or 3.x of FreeBSD. 4. Client configuration This port of Mars_nwe was tested with VLM, Client32 and native FreeBSD clients. Since FreeBSD support only Ethernet_II frame it is necessary to create net.cfg file (for VLM) to enable this frame: LINK DRIVER NE2000 Frame Ethernet_802.3 Frame Ethernet_II 5. Configuring Mars_nwe Section 3 of nwserv.conf file specified network number in hexadecimal format. This should be an internal network number configured on interface lo0. For above example set following: 3 0xbebe Section 4 are completly ignored. 6. Problems If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me, Boris Popov at