use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; plan skip_all => "set TEST_POD to enable this test (developer only!)" unless $ENV{TEST_POD}; plan skip_all => "File::Find not installed" unless eval { require File::Find }; plan tests => 1; sub _read { open my $fh, "<", shift; binmode $fh; return do { local $/; <$fh> }; } my @err; my $cryptx = _read("lib/"); my $compile_t = _read("t/001_compile.t"); my @files; File::Find::find({ wanted=>sub { push @files, $_ if /\.pm$/ }, no_chdir=>1 }, 'lib'); for my $m (sort @files) { my $content = _read($m); push @err, "ERROR: no newline at the end '$m'" unless $content =~ /\n$/s; push @err, "ERROR: avoid __END__ '$m'" if $content =~ /__END__/s; push @err, "ERROR: =pod ... =cut '$m'" unless $content =~ /=pod\n.*?=cut\n$/s; push @err, "ERROR: trailing whitespace '$m'" if $content =~ / \n/s; push @err, "ERROR: avoid tabs '$m'" if $content =~ /\t/s; push @err, "ERROR: avoid CRLF '$m'" if $content =~ /\r/s; $m =~ s|[\\/]|::|g; $m =~ s|^lib::||; $m =~ s|\.pm$||; push @err, "ERROR: '$m' is missing in" unless $cryptx =~ /L<$m>/s || $m =~ /^(CryptX|Math::BigInt::LTM|Crypt::(PK|Mode|Mac|AuthEnc|Checksum))$/; push @err, "ERROR: '$m' is missing in 001_compile.t" unless $compile_t =~ /\nuse $m;/s; eval "use $m; 1;" or push @err, "ERROR: 'use $m' failed"; } my @others = ('CryptX.xs'); File::Find::find({ wanted=>sub { push @others, $_ if /\.inc$/ }, no_chdir=>1 }, 'inc'); File::Find::find({ wanted=>sub { push @others, $_ if /\.(t|pl)$/ }, no_chdir=>1 }, 't'); for my $m (sort @others) { my $content = _read($m); push @err, "ERROR: no newline at the end '$m'" unless $content =~ /\n$/s; push @err, "ERROR: trailing whitespace '$m'" if $content =~ / \n/s; push @err, "ERROR: avoid tabs '$m'" if $content =~ /\t/s; push @err, "ERROR: avoid CRLF '$m'" if $content =~ /\r/s; } warn "$_\n" for (@err); die if @err; ok 1, 'all done';