
195 lines
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# Only use stable versions of these libs
# sys-kernel/linux-headers -~amd64 -~x86
sys-libs/glibc -~amd64 -~x86
# Allow glibc 2.17, it's good enough and:
=sys-libs/glibc-2.17* ~amd64 ~x86
<dev-lang/python-3 -~amd64 -~x86
dev-libs/openssl -~amd64 -~x86
dev-lang/perl -~amd64 -~x86
sys-devel/make -~amd64 -~x86
sys-kernel/linux-headers -~amd64 -~x86
sys-libs/libselinux -~amd64 -~x86
net-libs/gnutls -~amd64 -~x86
# Accept gnutls-3.3 now
=net-libs/gnutls-3.3* ~amd64 ~x86 amd64 x86
dev-lang/tcl -~amd64 -~x86
dev-lang/tk -~amd64 -~x86
dev-lang/ghc -~amd64 -~x86
dev-lang/ruby -~amd64 -~x86
media-video/libav -~amd64 -~x86
virtual/ffmpeg -~amd64 -~x86
net-libs/ptlib -~amd64 -~x86
net-libs/opal -~amd64 -~x86
# Force stable boost
dev-libs/boost -~amd64 -~x86
dev-util/boost-build -~amd64 -~x86
=dev-libs/boost-1.52* ~amd64 ~x86 amd64 x86
=dev-util/boost-build-1.52* ~amd64 ~x86 amd64 x86
# sci-mathematics/maxima needs texinfo <5.0
# stick texinfo to stable to avoid matter bump it
sys-apps/texinfo -~amd64 -~x86
# Apache is a critical component and 2.2 is still
# "good enough", 2.4 isn't yet stabilized
app-admin/apache-tools -~amd64 -~x86
www-servers/apache -~amd64 -~x86
<www-servers/apache-2.3 ~amd64 ~x86 amd64 x86
<app-admin/apache-tools-2.3 ~amd64 ~x86 amd64 x86
# required to compile Chromium on x86, it seems
=sys-devel/make-3.82-r4 ~amd64 ~x86
# force stable libpng
media-libs/libpng -~amd64 -~x86
# but allow libpng 1.6, we need ABI_X86 support
=media-libs/libpng-1.6* ~amd64 ~x86
# force stable icu
dev-libs/icu -~amd64 -~x86
app-crypt/qca:2 **
dev-python/pycups **
# Grub2, make binpkg for now, keep masked
<sys-boot/grub-2.99 **
dev-embedded/avr-libc * ~* -x86 -~x86 -amd64 -~amd64
# Use portage-2.2
=sys-apps/portage-2.2* **
# versioned ebuilds missing ~x86 keword, GNOME 3.2 stuff
<net-libs/gnome-online-accounts-9999 ** ~*
<gnome-extra/gnome-contacts-9999 ** ~*
>=gnome-extra/gnome-dvb-daemon-0.2.5 ** ~amd64 ~x86
# required by gnome-extra/gnome-dvb-daemon-0.2.5, required by gnome-extra/gnome-dvb-daemon (argument)
>=media-libs/gst-rtsp-server-0.10.8 ** ~amd64 ~x86
# gst-plugins missing x86 keywords
media-plugins/gst-plugins-assrender **
# ~x86 arch missing
media-video/hwdecode-demos ** ~x86 ~amd64
# using only stable versions
www-client/chromium -~amd64 -~x86
# From the bumblebee overlay
=x11-misc/primus-9999 ** ~amd64 ~x86
# Keeps being pulled in while qgis still needs an older version
>=x11-libs/qwtpolar-1.0 -~amd64 -~x86
# Python 3.3, add keywords
dev-lang/python:3.3 ** ~amd64 ~x86
# OpenEXR 2.0.0 causes a huge breakage, keep stable, mask unstable
media-libs/ilmbase -~amd64 -~x86
media-libs/openexr -~amd64 -~x86
media-gfx/openexr_viewers -~amd64 -~x86
# leechcraft only stable versions
app-leechcraft/leechcraft-meta -~amd64 -~x86
# These are a pain in the ass when they abi break
net-libs/libosip -~amd64 -~x86
# net-libs/libeXosip -~amd64 -~x86
# Keyword libsdl2 required by steam on amd64
=media-libs/libsdl2-2.0.0-r1 ** ~amd64
# 7.6.3-r1 (stable) does not compile on x86
# (related to Sabayon hardening)
=dev-lang/ghc-7.6.3 **
# Force stable, since shorewall{6,}-lite
# inverse deps are not updated with the same freq.
net-firewall/shorewall-core -~amd64 -~x86
# Accept any libav-0.8* and virtual/ffmpeg-0.10*
# This is what we currently support
=virtual/ffmpeg-0.10* ~amd64 ~x86
=media-video/libav-9* ~amd64 ~x86
=virtual/ffmpeg-9* ~amd64 ~x86
# new libvirt may break virtinst revdep, force stable
app-emulation/libvirt -~amd64 -~x86
# Latest libgcrypt may break a gazillion of pkgs,
# wait for it to be stabilized
dev-libs/libgcrypt -~amd64 -~x86
# allow 1.5 and 1.6 on amd64, mainly due to true multilib
=dev-libs/libgcrypt-1.5* ~amd64
=dev-libs/libgcrypt-1.6* ~amd64
# Force stable, due to Gentoo bug #495236
dev-python/tempita -~amd64 -~x86
# GNOME 3.10/3.12 crap for x86
# required by =gnome-base/gnome-3.10* (argument)
=gnome-base/gnome-3.12* ** ~x86
=gnome-extra/gnome-documents-3.12* ** ~x86
# required by =gnome-base/gnome-extra-apps-3.10* (argument)
=gnome-base/gnome-extra-apps-3.12* ** ~x86
=net-misc/gnome-online-miners-3.12* ** ~x86
# required by gnome-weather (argument)
=gnome-extra/gnome-weather-3.12* ** ~x86
# required by gnome-music (argument)
=media-sound/gnome-music-3.12* ** ~x86
# required by gnome-photos (argument)
=media-gfx/gnome-photos-3.12* ** ~x86
# required by gnome-maps (argument)
=sci-geosciences/gnome-maps-3.12* ** ~x86
# vlc fails configure with unstable libdvbpsi
media-libs/libdvbpsi -~amd64 -~x86
# singular fails with unstable ntl
dev-libs/ntl -~amd64 -~x86
# we want stable systemd stack
virtual/udev -~amd64 -~x86
# accept udev-208-r2 since it provides true multilib support
=virtual/udev-208-r2 ~amd64
sys-apps/systemd -~amd64 -~x86
# except systemd-208
=sys-apps/systemd-208* ~amd64 ~x86
# Allow any openssl 0.9.8y revision as well
=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.8* ~amd64 ~x86
# Allow any openssl 1.0.1 as well, this includes
# true multilib aware versions, only needed for amd64
=dev-libs/openssl-1.0.1* ~amd64
# required by x11-wm/mutter-3.12.1
# required by gnome-base/gnome-shell-3.12.1
# required by gnome-shell (argument)
=sys-power/upower-0.99* ** ~amd64 ~x86
=sys-power/upower-0.100* ** ~amd64 ~x86
# required by net-misc/gnome-online-miners-3.12.0
# required by gnome-extra/gnome-documents-3.12.0
# required by gnome-documents (argument)
=net-libs/libgfbgraph-0.2* ** ~amd64 ~x86
# keep xdebug-client to stable, since devs tend to update
# xdebug and xdebug-client separately
dev-php/xdebug-client -~amd64 -~x86
# Prefer a stable and reliable version of freetype
media-libs/freetype -~amd64 -~x86
# Allow systemd and upower-0.99 friendly version
=xfce-extra/xfce4-power-manager-1.2.0_p20140527 ** ~amd64 ~x86 amd64 x86
# Use stable clhep to avoid breaking geant
sci-physics/clhep -~amd64 -~x86
# Allow as it works fine
~sci-physics/clhep- ~amd64 ~x86 amd64 x86
# Use stable libgit2 to allow reverse deps to catch up
dev-libs/libgit2 -~amd64 -~x86
# Force stable pyparsing since unstable 2.0.x introduces incompatible changes
dev-python/pyparsing -~amd64 -~x86